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    Eternal Card Game Get Rich Streaming or Die Trying

    Eternal Card Game Get Rich Streaming or Die Trying

    Get Rich Streaming or Die Trying

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:55 AM PST

    Doc's Laboratory: An Introduction to Tournament Preparation

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:57 AM PST

    Hey all! For this week's article I wrote an introductory piece explaining some of the fundamental aspects of tournament preparation! As always, hope you all enjoy : )


    If you're interested in following my content, the Doc's Laboratory discord is a great place to stay up to date with everything I'm working on! https://discord.gg/QfZYGKNYrN

    submitted by /u/fugitivemage28
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    The 2021 Friends of Eternal Teamleague: $1K in prizes this season!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to the inaugural 2021 season of the Friends of Eternal Team League! The Friends of Eternal Team League (FETL) is a free-to-enter, season-long competition with a total prize pool of $1,000 and a first place prize of up to $700. Teams will consist of at least five players, and face off in fantasy-style matches against other teams during each Qualifying Event. Anybody with an Eternal account is eligible to participate!

    The TL;DR: Free entry. $1,000 prize pool. Teams of Five. Points based on Eternal Open performance. Top 4 teams make playoffs. Sign-ups due March 19.

    How to join: Fill out this form with the contact for the team, the five active players, and any inactive players that wish to be included. I am not requiring confirmation from each individual member for this, but it is advised that you have confirmation from each player you put on your roster.

    Friends of Eternal is partnering with The Misplay for the FETL. Active standings will be available at www.themisplay.com/fetl/standings.

    Qualifying Events (QE) - A "Qualifying Event" is defined by an Eternal tournament that is open to all and has a Worlds qualification on the line. Examples of QEs: ECQs, Quarterly Championships, Draft Championship. Not a QE: Quarterly Challenges, any invite-only bracket. For the 2021 season, only the nine Eternal $5K Opens will be considered Qualifying Events.

    Teams will have one match per QE with an opponent decided by Swiss pairings. Teams score points based on each individual players' standings in the QE. At the end of the regular season, the top four teams will qualify for the playoffs. For more on the playoffs, see the bottom of this document.

    Prize breakdown: 1st - $400 2nd - $200 3rd - $100 Top total points - $300 SCORING: 65+: 0 33-64: 1 17-32: 2 9-16: 3 5-8: 4 3-4: 5 2: 6 1: 8 + Automatic Victory 

    Automatic Victory: If a player on a team wins the QE, their team automatically wins their match for the week, regardless of point totals.

    In addition to prizes for the top 3 teams after the playoffs, there is a substantial prize for the team that earns the most total points over the course of the season.

    Ties may occur during the regular season matches. In the case of a tie in the final standings, the team with a higher season-long point total will be awarded the higher standing.

    Teams: Teams for the FETL must consist of exactly five active players, and any number of inactive players. Only the active players will score points for their team. Players can be activated/deactivated freely. Players may only be on one team at a time. There is no restriction on conventional "teams" only registering one team for the FETL -- E.G. if team XYZ has 14 active members, they are free to register team XYZ with 5 active and 9 inactive players, or teams XYZ[a] and XYZ[b] with 5 active and 2 inactive players each.

    Transactions: Trades, releases, and acquisitions are all legal in the FETL. Any transaction must be posted in #fetl-transaction-request (by both teams, if a trade) prior to roster locks to take effect.

    Roster lock: Rosters are locked for the duration of QEs. That means that teams must post any activations, deactivations, and transactions before the beginning of the event in order for the event to be reflected for the event.

    Discord: The FETL will be run through the Friends of Eternal Discord. Check #fetl-news for updates, or post "Team League" in #fetl-transaction-request to be assigned the role and get pinged for updates.

    PLAYOFFS: The Friends of Eternal Team League will culminate in head-to-head playoffs for the top four teams in a step-ladder system. Each match will be a best-of-seven games with the higher seed up one game to begin the match. Teams will submit five players and five decks before a deadline, and decklists and lineups will be made public.

    Here is the format of each playoff game:

    Team A vs. Team B (Team A starting 1-0 due to higher seed) G1 Expedition: 1A vs. 1B G2 Throne: 2A vs. 2B G3 Expedition: 3A vs. 3B G4 Throne: 4A vs. 4B G5 Expedition: 5A vs. 5B G6 Throne: ACE vs. ACE 

    If the score is even at 3-3 going into the final game, the teams will battle in an ACE MATCH. Each team will submit a player and decklist on the spot, which will be revealed to all parties simultaneously. The player chosen as their team's ACE can be anybody on their team's roster, even somebody who has already played in the match.

    These matches will be broadcast at a date to be announced later.

    The three rounds of playoffs:

    Match 1: Seed 4 vs. Seed 3 Match 2: Winner of Match 1 vs. Seed 2 Match 3: Winner of Match 2 vs. Seed 1 

    Playoff details are subject to change.

    Sign-ups are due by midnight Pacific time on March 19!

    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    Been out of the game for ~1.5 years. How is the state of the game right now?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:54 AM PST

    I played this game for quite a bit (~600 hours) back in the day rocking mostly a Scrappy Hour deck. I eventually stopped when every game started to feel exactly the same as decks became a pile of merchants with silver bullets in the market.

    I've been feeling the itch to play a card game again. A few questions:

    1) How is the general state of the game in terms of size of player base?

    2) How is the diversity of the metagame?

    3) Are games still interesting/fun?

    4) As someone who has been out of it for a while, is the game still relatively F2P?

    submitted by /u/csnsc14320
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    Thank you guys for watching my videos.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:59 PM PST

    Just felt like saying thanks for those who watch and enjoy my eternal videos. I know a lot of people don't like me and my opinions and that is fine everyone is entitle to their own opinions as long we're polite to each other. I may get salty when i'm having bad games, but what i say i don't mean most of the time i'm just venting. For real though if it wasn't for you guys my channel would be nothing since my other card game videos don't even get half of the views as my eternal ones do, but at the same time i would of never made a card gaming channel if it wasn't for eternal. Anyways thanks again and i hope to keep making more videos.

    Youtube | Patreon | Discord | Twitch | Twitter

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    Why not a tool Tournaments in game client?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PST

    This is both a suggestion to DWD and a discussion with you other players.

    I played another card game that implemented this functionality right before leaving open beta towards official launch. It was a rather small sized game, but the in-client tournament tool was a very good quality of life for the game, and made official tournaments, like invitationals and even the world championship even better.

    They had a configuration on date-time, player brackets, minium-maximum limit of players, deck restrictions (like banning rares for example, for the beggars), and special modes like draft (both phantom and for real) and cube (where you set up the pool from wich to draft with specific cards but also could overpass deck building restrictions if you got more copies than the allowed).

    All of these went as well as making private/public tourneys, variable prize pools where all players would contribute to inreasing it with their own entries, and also free tourneys for community purposes.

    I personally think this is a MUST in any competitive game, it brings more interaction between players with more community setted tournaments and also brings in more respect to official ones. A win-win in my opinion.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/lucasHipolito
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    My favourite brews - Empire of Glass edition

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:48 PM PST

    It's that time again, where I'm slowly running out of ideas for the new cards and I can feel a new set on the horizon. Which means it's time to trim my lists down to my favourite few, share them, and axe the rest!

    Standard jank disclaimer: Don't try these expecting to do well. My aim usually isn't to win, but to do something silly. A competent deck is just a nice bonus.

    Snaptrap - Spire Shadows deck with a twist. Snapyx is a nice threat when spired, but can also OHK with Diabolic Machinations!

    Death and Kitaxes - bit of an armory toolbox centered around Kitaxius. Kitarius+Touch of Resilience is definitely in the top 3 fun ways I've tried to make armory happen.

    Ace up the Sleeve - Did you know that if you draw Bhodi and Rox, or Praxis Outlaw, at end of turn, and they have destiny, you will immediately draw another one as well as your replacement card for destiny? This is a big body pile with Rhuus trying to kickstart said interaction.

    Heart Will Go On - Vulk, featuring Fair Exchange to keep it 2F. Reweave in a Yayana and watch the good times roll.

    Taketh Away - this is a true jank pile. Started trying to make a Jolu deck and found lots of neat little combos with her - trading a unit marked by Zytrom forces the enemy to sac it. Vadius 2.0 and Open Contract both increase the value ratio of Jolu. A spent Moldermuck is a rude unit to trade away.

    Krull Runnings - really milking Krull for value here. Give them lifesteal off lifespeaker, and not only do you negate the health cost, but you can trigger Lifeforce to start snowballing out of control with Mask, eventually resulting in a Xenan Fanatic OHK.

    The Deck YetiSpy Gave Me - okay, this is a really silly pile I thought was worth a mention. But it won 2 out of the 3 ranked matches I played with it so technically has the highest win rate out of all of the above. I got bored at some point and tried to make a deck going off YetiSpy popularity. Rules were I picked cards from highest to lowest until I had a deck, ignoring power amd dropping the two least represented factions. Commons and Uncommons were disabled to stop it just being a pile of cheap removal. Any clear singletons (i.e. huge popularity discrepancies between copy 1 and 2-4) went in the market.

    Hope someone finds some fun ideas to try in here. I found this a refreshing set+miniset, lots of neat little things to experiment with.

    submitted by /u/DiscoIgnition
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    Vara Fate touched trigger limit?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:19 PM PST

    I have noticed that whenever I play Vara, that turn I usually only get one trigger, and that shadow unit won't trigger more. Then on subsequent turns I will seem to get the repeated chain triggers. Is there something I am missing here? I swear I have seen this often.

    submitted by /u/org2n
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    Why not "supermaket"?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:12 AM PST

    As an idea is to make a card ("Supermarket") that allows you to interchange a card from your hand with a card from your collection.

    You could add some restriccions, like the ones we have now (influence , type ) and /or cost.

    I think this could shift the game to another level. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/RU_KLO
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    Outside The Box: Rematch

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:41 PM PST

    Eternal needs to think outside the box, to develop unique/flagship capabilities to stand out amongst it's competitors. I have some ideas I would like to share in threads I'll call "Outside The Box". Most of these are probably terrible ideas... if they seem worthwhile at all, I will summarize the discussion and share with Dire Wolf. This week's idea: The Rematch.

    Let's give players the option to play a rematch of their last game. This would challenge their last opponent and load up the same hand/deck order for each. This way they can replay the game with identical starting conditions (probably with no mulligan option, just getting the same hand you chose last time). Obviously this would not count toward laddering.

    I think this could be an interesting feature that could help with play testing. Outside of that I am not really sure of how big this would be. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/org2n
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