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    Monday, October 11, 2021

    Eternal Card Game In Defense of Exploit

    Eternal Card Game In Defense of Exploit

    In Defense of Exploit

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Exploit is like going to the dentist. I don't think anyone really enjoys that experience. If it were a card, a lot of players would call for it to be nerfed, because it is not fun. But Exploit, like going to the dentist, is important. It keeps us healthy and prevents a lot of unnecessary pain.

    How so? Put simply, the decks Exploit is best against are fun for the person playing them, but miserable for their opponents. Combo, decks that rely on one single card (these make games feel like a coin flip, if they've got it you probably lose, if they don't you probably win), unitless control – exploit is great in those match-ups. How many of you honestly enjoy playing against decks like that?

    On the other hand, what kind of decks are good against Exploit? Those that play good units and good interaction, with a high, fairly even, average card power level. You can't really poke a hole in their hands, because all their cards are good. Because they play good units and good interaction, every aspect of the game matters. Tempo, card advantage, life total, evasion, blocking, combat math, deciding when to use removal and on what – every bit of that is important.

    I'm a fairly good player. In the last three opens, I've finished tied 5-8, tied 17-32, and 2nd. In the finals of this weekend's open, I lost mostly because my opponent played very well, but a big part was played by three mistakes I made. I twice attacked with a unit I should have held back to block, and I once decided not to use removal (Flash Fry) when I should have. And that's awesome! I didn't make those mistakes because I'm dumb or bad at the game, but because the decisions were really interesting and difficult. My opponent had to make decisions like that too, and did a better job of it than I did, and so deservedly won. Games like those are easily the most enjoyable to play.

    All through the tournament, and all through the two weeks of preparation leading up to it, I played just a ton of fun games against fun decks. The meta right now in both expedition and throne is varied and full of decks where every decision matters – and we owe much of that to exploit keeping the game healthy for us all. If exploit were only a little bit less good, it'd be a lot less played. And we'd collectively "go to the dentist" (that is, play against decks that run exploit) much less than is necessary for a healthy format.

    submitted by /u/21ThufirHawat12
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    The Misplay Meta - Cold Hunt Expedition Open

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Cold Hunt $5K Expedition Open Results & Top 8 Decklists

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Congratulations to lawwarrior, winner of the Cold Hunt $5k Expedition Open, now qualified for the 2021 Eternal World Championship!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    It only makes sense for this card to have a change like this to match with the art.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    For whoever missed the Expedition Open, a TL;DR analysis

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    -We start with the classic "which faction got fucked and which not". In the top 32 decks we have as supreme champions Primal, Shadow and Fire, featuring respectively 24, 19 and 17 times, while Time and Justice got respectively 9 and 6 decks

    -Outside of 5 decks, all top 32 decks curve at 2. Games are so snowbally that any spell that costs more than 3 is absolute garbo unless you have ways to cheat it out or more than makes up for its cost (and in that case it usually goes into the market)

    -Between the top 32 decks we had 19 shadow based decks. Of these, ALL of them ran Exploit outside of Almost's Menace, so 18 Exploit decks out of 19 Shadow based ones. The other single exceptions are also DrStein, EarthOverseer and iron_man who DARED to not run 4 copies of Exploit

    -7 decks out of 9 Time based ones ran Sandstorm Titan, all with 4 copies. But I guess I better spam memes out of people who complain about the card, instead of thinking that a Legendary from Set 1 that was allowed in limited is STILL a must-include generalist choice

    -Half of the top 32 Fire decks plays the holy trinity Autotread-D'Angolo-League (or just Autotread to counter it). In the other half the situation is a bit more balanced, although pricey for sure between Moon decks, Peaks and costly Rakano/Praxis decks

    -Out of 29 decks running either Time or Primal (or both), Javan and Quinn featured in 23 of them, all in 4 copies. Even better, all Elysian based decks (outside 1 of all 64) played both of them. Don't worry guys, promos are not forced meta, not at all

    -Speaking of "forced meta" cards: out of the 32 top decks, only a SINGLE ONE didn't run campaign cards. 14 decks played with ALL 3 of them, while 15 with at least 2 and 2 with only one (Buried Memories). Shout out for Buried Memories, whose cards make 29 out of 32 decks. And there are still people who don't think this game isn't "pay to play"

    -Speaking of "pay to play" as well, almost every single Top 32 deck costs a minimum of 50000 gold, while half of them 75000, 19 decks cost more than 30000 shiftstone, with 8 of them costing more than 40000 and a single one of them costs 51900 shiftstone, hilariously the winning one that also runs all 3 campaigns. If we instead count also those near the 30000 mark, the decks become 24 out of 32

    -Outside of power cards and the obligatory Javan and Quinn (so outside of 6), in the top 19 (25-6) cards there are 5 campaign cards, 3 rares and 2 legendaries. One could say "pretty good", until they check the other tabs. Top 25 units features the 2 said promos, 9 campaign cards, 6 rares and 3 legendaries, for a total of 20 high cost cards out of 25. Top 25 spells is better in terms of rarity, but you have only a single card costing 4, while everything else cost 3 or less 'cause the game is decided at 2 now I guess. Market is fine outside of the count: out of the top 32 decks only a single deck didn't use market. And as guessed, it's derrick_davis Aggro one. Great freedom of choices in my decks I guess

    To conclude, I expected a shitty situation and was not disappointed. Downvotes are welcome and discussions even more. If all this rustles your jimmies, you got your discord echo bunker room to end up

    submitted by /u/DiPiStyle
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