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    Wednesday, December 1, 2021

    Eternal Card Game Expansion symbols?

    Eternal Card Game Expansion symbols?

    Expansion symbols?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 03:28 PM PST

    Any chance we could get expansion symbols on the cards? With so many new sets, bundles, and campaigns, it'd be nice if I could tell what I needed to buy in order to get a particular card at a glance.

    submitted by /u/roit_
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    Eternal Gothic featuring Bhodi & Rox Forever (Cold Hunt) control/tempo

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 10:05 AM PST

    Eternal Gothic featuring Bhodi & Rox Forever (Cold Hunt) control/tempo


    Oh, this deck is fun to win with... and frustrating to lose with.

    I have been tinkering with this setup for about a week or two now, and I have it to a place where I am comfortable sharing it.

    This is a Control/Tempo deck that sets up for Bhodi & Rox Forever and/or Stormhalt Plating

    The early game is pretty straightforward. Kill threats, Gain Power, Don't Die.

    I have included plenty of frustration to deal with in removal.
    Defiance is a good answer at a cheap cost to aggro decks, or when you don't have the available power for one of the other kill spells.
    Sinister Rumors So versatile, and so needed in this deck. I mainly use it for filtering relic killing or game-changing spells from the enemy deck, but being able to pop an exhausted unit with 3A or less, is pretty helpful. I haven't had a need to fish out a unit from my void, but it's there if need be.
    Saloon Massacre I really, really enjoy this card for a cheap board wipe of weenies. You can drop 1 at 1 cost, and 1 at 1 cost plus the contract to clear off any Aegis from the enemy units.
    Auren Condemnation Dropped this to a two of. At 3 cost, 2G it's situational, but the armor gain pairs nicely with both Stormhalt Plating and Valkyrie Station.
    Slay Fast Kill Spell, necessary.
    Vara's Authority There may be better cards here? Aegis is pretty annoying right now with Plunk Wumpkin, Crownwatch Paladin, Quinn, Master Tracker and others. This either hits them and kills them, or at least opens them up to another spell.
    Nothing Remains Board Wipe and Voidbound. Doesn't affect Bhodi & Rox Forever

    There is an acceptable level of support to get to your two/three win conditions.

    Amber Lock Yes I'll take 2 cards for 6 power in Time early game.
    Disjunction If I haven't been able to weed out the relic destruction spells, I can just grab it back, or even wiser, I hold on to it when decks are running weapons such as Stormhalt Plating, Stonebreaker Bow, or Censari Trident. Annoying Relic ruining your day? Disjunct the crap out of it.
    Valkyrie Station There is good synergy here with Auren Condemnation and/or Stormhalt Plating. If you happen to have this running when you play the weapon, then you instantly have a 2/2 Valkyrie at the end of your turn. I have noticed, that sometimes, only 1 Valkryie is played when you play your 2nd station. Have to look into why.
    A New Beginning I love this card for ramping up to the bigs. The card draw feature makes this card a must-play.

    Quasi-Win Con
    Orene's Scepter This is where I expect the most complaining. I have it as a one of, and when I can get it on the field, and activate its ultimate, it's pretty much game over at that point. The Aegis addition when playing either Valks or Bhodi & Rox is also nice. Although Bhodi & Rox Forever can't be killed or sacrificed, they can be transformed, returned to deck/hand, and stunned. It's also a card I can throw away if forced to discard.

    Win Conditions:

    Bhodi & Rox Forever is such a fun card to play. The inscribe feature is amazing, goes into your top 10 cards with +2/2. I love getting this early game because it's mana, and even if it's the 10th card in the top 10, it allows me to set up. There are not a lot of answers to it right now in the Meta, and there are a lot of frustrations when players think they can get me to sacrifice it.

    Stormhalt Plating is less fun to inscribe, but sometimes it's necessary. When it plays through, it can end games pretty quickly in this deck.

    As always, feedback is welcomed. This probably won't be Rank 1 Masters deck, but I did decent with it last week, and plan to run it this month.



    You can view the deck at https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/ndal40G5asg/eternal-gothic-feat-bhodi-rox

    submitted by /u/edgeukated
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    Thoughts on The Meta (Expedition)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 11:47 AM PST


    I'm somewhat enjoying the meta, but after today, much less so that I was a week or so ago.

    I think my issue is the game is currently feeling very proactive / reactive, without much of that sweet sweet interplay and decision based back and forth.

    I feel aggro is in a fairly interesting place, contracts have made aggro play a bit more thoughtful a play style (even though when your getting your face smashed in, salt makes it feel like a dumb dumb way to play).

    My main problem is control feels like the dumb way to play, a game of board wipes. Constant board wipes is not an interesting way to play, and its not interesting to play against. My games recent feel like either a) I have the tempo, and I'm dominating the game and unless my foe draws a relevant board wipe, I'm going to win, or b) I'm getting shafted, better draw that on curve board wipe! Games seem very snowbally and draw dependent, which for me is a bit stinky.

    Just feels kinda lazy design, I play a fair amount of control, but feels like interesting ideas on the archetype are a bit lacking and ultimately leads of samey feeling games, which is the opposite of my usual time with eternal and what caused me to love it in the first place.

    Other boarderline issues I have is toooooooo much aegis, gotta love having 3 different board wipes in hand that dont work! (varas authority is the main tool against this notwithstanding small pings but both are quite ineffective in my experience, most aegis cards feel a bit over tuned without my drawback i.e pretty well stated for the cost).

    Elysian feels pretty overtuned, having high tempo, ability to dodge the beloved boardwipes (units that doge low cost wipes, aegis etc) and a strong end game, and are generally excelling at several things simultaneously (high card draw, ramp, stick minions and control aspects). Midrange decks are cool and all, but most games vs it feel pretty oppressive.

    Apologies if this was a bit ranty, but sometimes a guys gotta rant! Still relatively early days of the meta, just feeling the games are a bit less interesting than usual of late.

    submitted by /u/blip902
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    The Justice Heroes (Decklist in comments)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 60: Cold Hunt

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Draft is not a fun game mode

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:48 AM PST

    I have played draft mode more times than I can count, as I have been around since the first set of the game. There is obviously a skill curve to the draft mode; reading signals in the packs is definitely one of the best ways to get better. Card knowledge can help you out if you are aware of what stealth units the opponent could have, or maybe even what outs are possible to draw. These are not the issues I have with the game mode.

    Draft packs have balanced the mode somewhat (not that it isn't heavily based on luck), but I just don't find the drafting, deck building, and gameplay as enjoyable as I once did.

    My suggestion for this would be to shake up the draft meta again. I don't know if it's nostalgia or what, but I seem to prefer the days before draft packs. Now I just reluctantly pay my 5,000 gold to continue the shiftstone grind.

    submitted by /u/OhKaptain
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    Trying to figure out Casual

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Jumping back into Eternal after some time away, and currently trying to figure out how to balance my decks for Casual play.

    One of the things that appeals to me about games like Eternal is the ability to play out some absolutely ridiculous, completely unlikely, Rube Goldberg-level jank for the entertainment of everyone. (For example, two of my favourite decks in Magic involve giving away cards to win and skipping my own turns to win.)

    I often end up using powerful cards as a shell for these truly stupid strategies, because A.) then they've got a better chance of actually happening, and B.) no-one complains about seeing a format boogeyman when it's surrounded by carefully-handcrafted artisanal jank.

    However. In Eternal, I don't really have the ability to lean across the table and tell the other player, "Don't worry, it's not that kind of ________ deck". So I'd like to make sure I'm running stuff that doesn't trigger concession on ETB.

    Which brings me to my question:

    I'd like to take the temperature of the community—would you enjoy playing against these decks in Casual, or should I drop them?

    • Rakano Dramatist's-Mask ETB-tribal—mostly this just tries to throw Hojans and Teluts at people from the top of my deck;

    • Even Factionless Beatdown—this was specifically a challenge to myself to make a completely factionless EHG deck that's still an enjoyable spectacle, and to my surprise, it's functional;

    • Skycrag Knucklebones + Firebombs—The issue here is that the early turns are almost always Merchant-tribal, and I don't want to scare people off.

    Alternatively, if you have any "That'll never work!" ideas, I'd love to hear them, because I will inevitably give them a shot at some point.

    Looking forward to your thoughts—thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Radiophage
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    Why did you name the new set after my ex?!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 08:39 AM PST

    DWD Customer Service: Sir, we understand your concerns, but the new set is called Cold Hunt!

    submitted by /u/lod254
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