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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Eternal Card Game My constant internal eternal struggle

    Eternal Card Game My constant internal eternal struggle

    My constant internal eternal struggle

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    What style of game play do you like playing and why?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    We literally have complaints against every type of play style, control is fustrating to play against, midrange is boring, aggro doesn't give time to react et cetera et cetera.

    Instead of complaints i want to hear what you like playing and why.

    submitted by /u/littledragon9482
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    Reminder: Sunday Oct 27th Tournament -- Expedition Format!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    I don't want to overly remind people, but sometimes people say they don't hear about tournaments. There's a tournament this Sunday (Oct. 27) and it's Expedition Format.

    Here's the original post. Here's where to register. And here's where you can donate to the prize pool. Currently at $5US.

    Special request to streamers... please share this info if you can!

    Thanks everyone, and hope to see you on Sunday!

    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    Weekend Flash Sale!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Can someone please help?sorry if this is dumb but I’m kind of new to the game and ’ve been stuck on this puzzle for days, i’ve tried every combination of silence and blocks i can think of, and i’ve googled it but the flying with lifesteal is really messing me up. What am I missing?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Tessa / Sodi agro-control deck feedback

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi All, I am looking for feedback on this list I have been tweaking to moderate success in Diamond. I am currently sitting in D2 at around 70.


    My deck is focused on getting either an Alessi or Sodi onto the ground and then protecting them while they either kill the opponent (Alessi) or generate massive amounts of card advantage (Sodi). Using end of turn equivocate into Sodi's Spellshaper is also a really good feeling and is great against the Time / Fire ramp decks running rampant in ranked right now.

    High points:

    Getting a turn 1 Alessai protected by a steely resolve followed up by a turn 2 pump spell can be an incredibly fast clock that is hard to deal with. I have countered many-a torches, combusts (ouch), and defiances with these resolves and having 1 in my opening hand is almost worth going to 6 for.

    Turn 5-6 Sodi with steely resolve & aegis protection is also really hard to deal with.

    Low Points:

    Power requirements on Sodi can be rough, but she is almost always castable.

    This deck does not do well when starting with 2 power hands. It needs to hit power drops to be able to cast out spells in hand.

    I would definitely love some feedback on the merchant/market set up. I feel like I don't have any hay makers in there right now besides the Sword of Unity (if I can land that with spellcraft its almost always GG).

    Cards I am unsure about:Intrepid Longhorn - It is nice to hit that extra power sometimes, but it doesn't feel like its contributing all that much to the overall gameplan besides being a large body.

    Parul's Choice - The aegis for 2 power has been REALLY good sometimes, and getting a 1-of permafrost has been ok. When I am behind or facing a harsh rule'd board that I wasn't able to protect, it feels really bad in my hand. I've been considering moving this to the market.

    Crownwatch press-gang - In most Alessi decks this is an auto 4 of. In this deck Alessi is only one path to victory. Playing a 4 mana 3/3 with revenge that draws a card is still pretty good, and Alessi is one of the best cards in my deck. It just feels really slow against the sand titan decks.

    Edict of Linrei - This is a concession to the sand titan decks. I realize this may just be better off as a vanquish or vanquisher's blade and sticking with 4 combrei smugglers.

    (edit: forgot the link)

    submitted by /u/freneticFanatic
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    The Witching Hour Collection and Playmat Skin

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    For the record... Unitless Control has killed Eternal for me.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm not a fan of how every month there's an entirely new meta-game and how DwD have been nerfing every new deck that spawns up, but how much less fun can your game be than when nothing happens what-so-ever except removal spells and then, hurray, draw your removal spells and they get double damage.

    submitted by /u/acvanzant
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    Any Tips how to upgrade my deck? what card should improve my deck or what strat should I add?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Here's is my main deck I play most of my rank on it and I'm still new to the game.

    My main strat is to spam my cockroaches with the help of Echo, Copy, Draw, Return Cards to the deck.

    Can you help me improve it.

    submitted by /u/masterkaido04
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    You can now log in and view your rank on the expedition leaderboard.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    I...have to buy a lotto ticket. Brb

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Smart Autopass not working?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    After I fight or I block, I have 0 power, no cards that cost 0, and yet I still get asked to end turn.

    submitted by /u/T3nt4c135
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