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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Eternal Card Game Who is this guy? And why is he blindfolded?

    Eternal Card Game Who is this guy? And why is he blindfolded?

    Who is this guy? And why is he blindfolded?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:51 AM PST

    New starter set?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Got kind of stoked when the rindra/bulletshaper starter set was removed from the store was hoping we'd get a new one to support the new players who want to either get into throne or solidify their expedition collection At least one new player I know is waiting for one of these gateway bundles to come out.

    Do we think we will get one to suit our modern times? Or what would you put in it?

    It's hard for me to say because I think having a cultist and elysian deck could be unhelpful and is kind of repeat content (theme decks) but something with new draft packs would be cool.

    In fact a set that was like 20 draft packs and 5 playable legends would be sweet, I've enjoyed the access to just being able to buy legends like kairos and ilo mizo (thigh mizo is well overpriced) so getting around it with alt art

    It'd be super if we could get these for every set too.

    submitted by /u/Thatresolves
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    Where is the teamrankstar website?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Is it gone or broken - not found?

    submitted by /u/fsk
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    Sleeping Draught Bug

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    So I grabbed a Sleeping Draught off of Incarnus.

    On a later turn, I passed the turn and my opponent used a fast spell to kill the Incarnus. I had all my power available, but I was not given a window to use the Draught before my turn automatically passed to his.

    submitted by /u/wildfire393
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    Has this game lost players?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST


    I've returned after some seasons and hit masters. I've been placed 22nd, but usually in previous seasons i was placed around 2000 when hitting masters. Has this game lost players alot or something changed about how Masters work?


    submitted by /u/lazalius
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    Possibility of an Autobattler Mode like Hearthstone: Battlegrounds ?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:04 PM PST

    Hi folks,

    Have you seen Hearthstone: Battlegrounds? Would you like to see such a game mode added to Eternal?

    I for one would love to try it out and play it. We have a lot of cards with super interesting interactions. And think about the different factions and influence colors. I'm sure the devs would be able to come up with some compelling game mechanics and ideas for a new autobattler game mode.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/_Num7
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    Ranked is a mess, Expedition is even worse so draft is my friend now!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:16 AM PST

    Can we get the following player quotes to use:

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:13 AM PST

    Great, 4 sigils in a row - Great, 4 non-power cards in a row - Sry, disconnected

    Things I'd love to say to an opponent on the regular.

    submitted by /u/Thatsplumb
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    Spellcraft on a weapon

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Can someone please tell me how to use the the spellcraft portion on Vanquisher's Blade (or any other card with that on it as a secondary). I'm new but damn, I expect it to be obvious. I play the weapon on my card. It asks if I want to spend 3 to spellcraft it. I click on an enemy (it has 5/4) thinking that would work but nope. I click the power thinking I had to tell it that before clicking the enemy but nope. I guy dragging the pop up to my target but nope. I click everywhere on the board and I get nothing. I click my card but get a warning if I want to do that. No I don't want to destroy my card, I'm trying to destroy the enemy card. At this point, I'm cussing the game and lost my turn since i took too long trying to solve this lol. Is this a bug? What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/phoenixwil
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    Infinite turns

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Hello. I have crafted 4 Praxis arcanum, 4 Sol rest and 4 Talir Unbound. Does anybody tried to meme infinite turns already? I have some pretty bad TJP expedition deck. I won some games, but i was able to loop infinite turns maybe 1 in 10 games. However, there is the achievement for 3 additional turns in a row and i got it. :-)

    submitted by /u/honza099
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