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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Eternal Card Game [EoE] Draft Preview Cards

    Eternal Card Game [EoE] Draft Preview Cards

    [EoE] Draft Preview Cards

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    We really, really, really need a set symbol on each card

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:23 AM PST

    This may simply be driven by the obsessive collector side of me, but aren't all fans of TCGs obsessive collectors to some extent? As a relatively new player who didn't start with beta, I've lost track of how many times I've wondered what set a card is in. EWC has the set on a tool-tip, which is helpful, but something like this really needs to be in-game.

    This is a small, hopefully easy-to-implement feature that would dramatically improve my experience with Eternal. I doubt I'm alone on this. I'm not really sure why, but having the set symbol subtly implies a deep, rich card pool. I know it would be ripping of MTG, but since when have DWD worried about that?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Rudy_Blatnoyd_DDS
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    [EoE] New Cards Inbound! Draft Preview Begins Today!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Good Deep ft. LocoPojo

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Need college credits? LocoPojo teaches a master class in deck building.


    LocoPojo gives us his backstory and explains how he tries to find "the fun" in Eternal. He knocks it out of the park on Name That Card featuring cards suited to his deck building tastes as well as cards you may or may not have ever heard of*.

    Mark revels in his first bet victory ever against Jason. Jason pitches a Mark Can't Possibly Disagree about organized play. We share our misplays and some community misplays. We want your misplays! Be like u/Jedi_EJ! Record and email us: [info@themisplay.com](mailto:info@themisplay.com).

    LocoPojo goes deep to explain "tool boxes" and deck building. Mark has to point out to Jason that it doesn't involve hammers and wrenches. Save the date! Saturday, February 29th we'll be doing a one-year anniversary show stream on Twitch with a bunch of special friends.

    *We hope you enjoy Name That Card despite the mix up that led to the Spoiler yistout donated to the show being spoiled before the release of this week's episode. We still had a great time with that segment.

    For more information:

    Patreon | Twitter | iTunes | Twitch | Discord | Website

    submitted by /u/themisplay
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    Farming Eternal Ep.46: Goodbye Flames of Xulta

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Welcome to Ep.46.of the Farming Eternal Podcast. In this episode Patrick and Hatsonlamps discuss saying farewell to Flames of Xulta. Some set 8 cards are being added to the format this week so we thought it was time to say goodbye to Fox. They also discuss the new mechanic "corrupted" that was previewed this week. Do you have any favorite moments from set 7?

    If this is your first-time hearing about the podcast, you can send your 7-win deck lists by email to farmingeternal@gmail.com or post them in the discord. (link to join the discord is below). Thank you to all the players for submitting your decks this past week.

    Farming Eternal Ep. 46 https://soundcloud.com/farming-eternal/farming-eternal-ep46-goodbye-flames-of-xulta

    You can find our faction by faction breakdown of all our 7 win deck lists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/157UEfcJziT5U-V6uhwTXe8dGnwW6JuP8JJ33zXDuwK8/edit#gid=1169127952

    As well as our card by card breakdown at https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?cid=b3207149d6793b56&page=view&resid=B3207149D6793B56!102827&parId=B3207149D6793B56!100232&authkey=!ABAxl4OAMfRIy1k&app=Excel

    We also have a very active discord. Come join us, it's an awesome discord and we talk a lot of draft https://discordapp.com/invite/2Z2GxjQ

    Check out the website too. http://farmingeternal.azurewebsites.net/

    submitted by /u/RavenDragon2016
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    Reviewing the first completely new Mechanic for Echoes of Eternity

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Echoes of Eternity - an uninformed set of first impressions

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:58 AM PST

    I am a mediocre player of Eternal, although I usually make it to Master every month in Expedition. Since I am a bit bored, I though I'd go through all of the spoiled cards and discuss how good they are in constructed. In most cases, I'm talking about Throne, since it is hard to know how good a card will be in Expedition since we don't know what the new Expedition will look like. Nevertheless, if a card is a close miss in Throne, it is probably good enough for constructed.

    I'm getting these spoilers from the spoiler channel on discord, which you can find here:


    It seems to be the most complete source of spoilers so far.

    So in no particulra order:

    Dova, the Fearmonger - steep influence requirements mean that this is a niche card, at best, for the FTS sacrifice deck, which already has plenty of cards to stuff in it. Unlikely to see play.

    Darkalon Wyvarch - actually, a pretty good addition to mill/Tome of Horrors decks, as Aegis always makes a creature better. Also a dragon, which is pretty relevant these days.

    Display of Menace - only the third mode is really any good, and it requires a creature to sacrifice. If you are playing a sacrifice oriented deck, shouldn't you be FTS?

    Touch of Purity - Giving a spell such as Hailstorm lifesteal would be pretty amusing, but generally this doesn't seem an effect that is worth a card.

    Naoki, Valiant Warrior - what a collection of battle skills! Seems quite good, although the part about relics seems like flavor text. The Mastery seems pretty mediocre as well, but still an excellent card.

    Magnificent Stranger - this is good mostly because Strangers need good 2 drops, and this one is 2/3. The effect can be helpful sometimes, but generally Stranger decks are not going to be playing many high-cost cards.

    Steely Stranger - great limited card, but not worth it in constructed due to 1 strength.

    Strange Burgler - I like this card a lot, and it may be even better if there are good strangers in Stonescar. The body is fine for the cost, the summons effect is nice, and the ability is pretty good for cashing in worthless units for cards. Keep an eye on this one.

    Linrei Stranger - seems very solid, with both a good summon effect and a dangerous ability if it gets to attack.

    Covetous Stranger - This may be better than it looks, as essentially drawing a card every time you attack is quite good. As with the other strangers, depends on what else they get in the set.

    Burningcore Drake - it's not great, but it is a three cost Dragon, which fills a big hole in the Dragon deck's curve, and the Mastery effect isn't too bad. Could see play in Expedition if the Dragon deck continues to be viable.

    Waystone Gate - really solid relic, with both a decent activated ability and a nasty Entomb that begs to be broken. Probably will see play in the Aurelian relic deck.

    Unfamiliar Interloper - our first Corrupted card, and I think many of the Corrupted cards will be deceptively strong. This one seems mostly for draft, but I could see very ambitious Stranger decks including it.

    Linrei's Codex - Very powerful. Probably best in Elysium, since that deck has a lot of single-faction units and it would have the extra power to take advantage of the spellcraft.

    Awakened Gorger - draft fodder only.

    Majestic Skies - Elysium really isn't the best faction for this (especially since Justice has the best flyers) but maybe could work in a TJP aggro flyers deck?

    Switchblade Deadeye - mostly draft fodder, but maybe a place in the elf deck.

    Display of Destruction - the best of the new displays so far. Fits in perfectly with the FTS sacrifice deck, and all three modes are pretty good.

    Double Helix Drake - junk

    Skylord Tolek - great line about Dragons going beserk and never stopping, but not powerful enough for the cost.

    Keeper's Shield - compare to Sword of Icaria. Junk.

    Sorcerer's Wand - too expensive for constructed, but great in draft.

    Provoke the Dragons - 2 damage for 2 power isn't great, but making flying Dragons go Beserk could be very powerful. A skill-tester card.

    Palerider's Pocket Watch - a nice higher end for midrange Shadow decks, as the Killer means it will probably get value immediately, and if not dealt with will end the game quickly. The Spellcraft is mostly flavor text, although fun to dream about.

    Alluring Qirin - this card may have the lowest floor and the highest ceiling of any card spoiled so far. Playing this on turn one, and triggering mastery turn 2, is quite something, but it is a terrible top deck. In the end, I bet it doesn't really see play, but I'm not certain about that prediction.

    Abyssal Scrying - eh, seems expensive for the effect.

    Skeletal Dragon - even AReNGee, who revealed it, said it was terrible.

    Bladecrafter - I love all of the corrupted cards, and this seems like a nice top end to an Oni deck, or anything else that has powerful weapons to get.

    Feartracker - probably a little too expensive, but the cost is still quite nice. Will be a premium draft card for sure.

    Purgedriver - I see this as an excellent market card, as multi-faction units aren't always very common, but this is bonkers against decks that have a lot of them.

    Vernal Mandrake - strictly a fun card, and another bad Primal Legendary.

    Yeti Cookmaster - with only one health, just too fragile.

    Strange Blacksmith - drawing a weapon from the void takes some setup, and the activated effect is too expensive. Will see little play.

    Endless Nightmare - very cool card, and since Xenan has good ambush units and fast spells, holding up four power is very realistic.

    Touch of Resilience - giving two cards Revenge is pretty cool, and I could see this being added to an Argenport-style revenge deck.,

    Thunder of Wings - at best, you get a 4/2 flying charger for 3 - not bad, but probably not game breaking either.

    Dark Betrayal - paying 4 for this effect is devastating if you hit something. Since we are in a durdly midrange meta, I think this card will be excellent.

    Eloz, Nighmare General - too fragile, and while curses can't be killed, this unit can easily be dispatched.

    Bhondi and Rox - this seems excellent to me. If you are playing a midrange time deck, especially one with ramp, why wouldn't you play one or two of this card?

    Volatility - this card REALLY scares me, as it can draw lots of good cards for only 2 mana. A real deck-building challenge, but I suspect this will see play in top decks.

    Strange Broker - maybe a place in Feln Control decks, but generally not great.

    'Spellbound Vestige - just play the 1 cost oni instead. Not enough effect for a card.

    Kodosh's Armor - That's lots of text! I have a funny feeling that the card isn't great, as it seems best in an aggro deck with Exalted, but most of the effects are pretty expensive. Another deck-building challenge.

    Wren, Traditionalist - eh. If you want to play Relic.deck, you probably want to be TPS, not this.

    Display of Tradition - again, you need to be playing Relics for this to be good, although the last mode is pretty nice. But most of the time, just play Xenan Initiation.

    Touch of Force - Giving Double Damage at fast speed is very dangerous, and you to do it to another card as well. May see some play.

    Defile - a nice removal card, balanced and useful but fair. Expedition fodder.

    Induce Madness - too much setup, although maybe a good market card for the Sacrifice deck.

    Reborn Master - Not bad, but Argenport has tons of good 2 drops.

    Premature Buriel - too expensive for what it provides.

    Tainted Mark - draft fodder

    Display of Purpose - interesting. the first effect is the best, but not bad

    Precision Plunge - draft fodder

    Outcast Elite - a 2/1 for 2, even with Aegis, is not what you want.

    Whew! Ok, I hope everyone enjoyed my ramblings. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Efertik
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    Beginner Sealed League Tutorial

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Greetings ladies and gentlemen, thanks to a massive positive response to the forge tutorial I will continue the series breaking down all the Eternal formats. This video is on the monthly League events which are another limited format and a great way for newer players to build a collection!

    Included in the video is how to find the event, the economy of entry as well as rewards, what the event consists of, a brief over view on how to build a sealed pool and of course some gameplay.

    (if you'd like a more indepth review on how to build a sealed deck check out Eternal Journey episode 39, link in the description)


    Welcome all new players to this great game of ours and thanks to all those streamers, content creators, and other players that share this game!

    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Got really lucky with this pack. Finally a premium Campfire Watchman!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Eternal Highlights - The Hour is Nigh

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:53 AM PST

    2/4/20 Patch Notes

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:16 PM PST

    What is wrong with Rakano?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Today one of my opponents - when only saw that I'm playing Rakano - shows few disgusted emotes (like "you're kidding") and immediately surrender. Is there something wrong with Rakano?

    submitted by /u/sirparsifalPL
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    Meta Monday (just barely): February Week 1

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:30 PM PST

    DWD, is the visual change to the mobile platform with 1.50 intentional? It looks AWFUL.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Version Platform: Mobile

    The news feed has been shifted upwards to meet the player/store/cards bar, out of visual balance from the game menu.

    I don't know if it's supposed to look like that, but it's awful. Can it be balanced out again please?

    submitted by /u/FriskySour
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    Beginner Guide to Drafting & State of the Format with RavenDragon !

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Beginner Guide to Drafting & State of the Format with RavenDragon !


    Interesting in dabbling in the draft format prior to the upcoming release of the latest set? This episode is for you! We break down the drafting process and help you get your feet wet, with how to do it, how to make your picks, and how to build your deck!

    For you veteran drafters we have a special interview with Top Ranked Drafter RavenDragon! She breaks down her preferences in this format along with some additional tips and tricks you may or may not know about!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast
    YouTube - EternalJourney
    Discord: discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Expedition Card Back

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    How do you collect points to upgrade your card back now? I used to get them from the bi-weekly expedition melee events. Now there is only going to be the Spring Challenge, and that's like 1 day and if you can't play that day you are out of luck? I missed the winter expedition championship so no idea if and what points those gave.

    Or is that done and you can't upgrade anymore?

    submitted by /u/DrakeStorm
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    Help with League Deck-Building

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    Hi there,

    I've joined the game a few months ago and am totally amazed by how user friendly and how easy it is to play without spending real money on it. I've also enjoyed reading along here and it helped me a lot. So thanks to you all :)

    I've recently saved up enough gold for my first ever monthly league. While I feel ok at building decks in Draft and Forge, this sealed format completely overwhelms me, which is why I'd kindly ask for some of your advice :)

    In Draft I don't have lots of experience playing more than 2 colors. My pool in this sealed format seems to demand at least 3 colors (am I right?!).

    Anyways, I've copied the entire pool into eternalwarcry (the link however seems to flag my post?!) and will also post the list below. Would be really grateful for any ideas, suggestions or hints to learn from for future events :) Thanks so much

    1 Arcanum Elite (Set6 #47)

    1 Auralian Infestation (Set6 #48)

    1 Boot Knife (Set6 #183)

    1 Drifter (Set4 #2)

    1 Ghostblade Outcast (Set7 #63)

    1 Icy Gaze (Set7 #92)

    1 Inflict Conscience (Set7 #64)

    2 Mettle (Set7 #37)

    1 Oni Ronin (Set1 #13)

    1 Potion of Alacrity (Set6 #51)

    1 Rambot (Set4 #7)

    1 Ruthless Stranger (Set1 #11)

    1 Sharpened Reflex (Set4 #102)

    1 Unstable Form (Set1 #189)

    1 Weather the Storm (Set2 #106)

    1 Accelerate (Set1 #85)

    1 Acclaimed Artisan (Set7 #157)

    1 Blurreechaser (Set6 #7)

    1 Breath of Voprex (Set7 #4)

    1 Chant to Grodov (Set7 #39)

    1 Eye of Winter (Set1 #210)

    1 Felrauk's Choice (Set7 #202)

    1 Fledgling Owlet (Set6 #149)

    1 Geminon's Choice (Set7 #163)

    1 Grodov Evangel (Set7 #40)

    1 Horde Duelist (Set6 #12)

    2 Immortalize (Set7 #126)

    1 Intrepid Longhorn (Set7 #174)

    1 Linrei Evangel (Set7 #96)

    1 Living Offering (Set4 #65)

    1 Makkar Evangel (Set7 #127)

    1 Malaise (Set7 #128)

    1 Nahid's Choice (Set7 #187)

    1 Pioneering Aviator (Set6 #99)

    1 Praxis Stranger (Set2 #248)

    1 Reconnaissance (Set7 #129)

    1 Scaly Gruan (Set1 #215)

    1 Smokedancer (Set7 #130)

    1 Sparring Partner (Set2 #77)

    1 Svetya's Faithful (Set6 #105)

    1 Yeti Gryffyn Rider (Set7 #100)

    1 Brightmace Paladin (Set1 #147)

    1 Copperhall Shieldman (Set2 #79)

    1 Crowd Queller (Set7 #74)

    1 Cruelty (Set7 #102)

    1 Darkweave Enchantress (Set6 #198)

    1 Dispel (Set1 #91)

    1 Dragon Forge (Set7 #12)

    1 Edict of Grodov (Set7 #46)

    1 Jawbone Hatchet (Set2 #12)

    1 Manufacture (Set4 #22)

    1 Proselytize (Set7 #48)

    1 Rainfall Accord (Set7 #104)

    1 Scheme (Set1 #213)

    1 Shadowlands Bonepicker (Set2 #205)

    1 Storm of Feathers (Set7 #81)

    1 Swaying Sea Qirin (Set7 #49)

    1 Trickster's Cloak (Set1 #369)

    1 Warrant Officer (Set4 #125)

    1 Wretched Raven (Set7 #203)

    1 Befoul (Set7 #140)

    1 Cabal Bludgeoner (Set2 #156)

    1 Corrupted Umbren (Set4 #225)

    1 Daring Gryffyn (Set7 #108)

    1 Galeprowler (Set4 #175)

    1 Kyrex Coach Driver (Set4 #227)

    2 Relentless Combatant (Set7 #20)

    2 Rent Seeker (Set7 #86)

    1 Sauropod Crasher (Set6 #79)

    1 Tota Colony (Set7 #21)

    1 Valkyrie Militant (Set2 #89)

    1 Xenan Cupbearer (Set2 #210)

    1 Yeti Traditionalist (Set7 #113)

    1 Burning Claw (Set7 #23)

    1 Cliffside Caretaker (Set4 #186)

    1 First-Frost Shaman (Set4 #182)

    1 Horn of Plenty (Set6 #82)

    1 Shen-Ra Speaks (Set7 #176)

    1 Vinepetal Creeper (Set7 #55)

    1 Waystone Infuser (Set2 #63)

    1 Cannonbearer (Set2 #31)

    1 Champion Grappler (Set7 #154)

    1 Lumen Shepherd (Set1 #117)

    1 Banewulf (Set7 #147)

    1 Cabal Rogue (Set2 #168)

    1 Cruel Wyvarch (Set7 #171)

    1 Dormant Sentinel (Set1 #120)

    1 Kodosh Sees All (Set7 #89)

    1 Ancient Manual (Set7 #211)

    1 Crownwatch Standard (Set4 #97)

    1 Rakano Insignia (Set7 #156)

    1 Xenan Insignia (Set7 #184)

    submitted by /u/charlesrobotnik
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    What’s up with the draft pool recently?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    All the cards just seem... bad. Finding it hard to make any kind of cohesive deck

    submitted by /u/Cloudmarshal_
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    Time of Horrors deck?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Does anyone have a somewhat decent time of horrors deck?

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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