• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Got a diamond chest for the first time on draft! Feels really cool! Definently worth the 5000 gold entry fee!

    Eternal Card Game Got a diamond chest for the first time on draft! Feels really cool! Definently worth the 5000 gold entry fee!

    Got a diamond chest for the first time on draft! Feels really cool! Definently worth the 5000 gold entry fee!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Aftershock league deck, week 1 - TJP Midrange

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Salty Brew - Creation Control [Throne]

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Can the Eternal lore authors introduce themselves so we can geek out about the lore with them?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I'm not sure if I look forward to it more than set releases per se, but I really dig the Eternal lore. I wish we had more of it, and would love if we could interact with whoever's writing it. For the most part, they do a really great job!

    So, can we get an intro to the lore authors anytime soon?


    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Stylish ways to play defiance, and this one.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PST

    As you know I don't usually enter the reddit but I went into a stream to chill for a while and saw this. It was awesome


    submitted by /u/darkrevengerIsTaken
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    Goblin Draft Video

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:17 PM PST

    Goblin Draft Video


    Jedi drafts Eternal but with a stipulation twist! Premium cards have priority, then legendary, and finally rare, then if none of that is in the pack you may have your choice! Tune in to see how this plays out!


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Karla, Spirit of Resistance (Part 6)(FANFIC!)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Well, here's the next chapter! Enjoy your read, dear readers, and for anybody who wants the full Fanfic as of yet, it's here. As always, I'd love to read some thoughts about it. Always trying to get better!

    The small cave which Karla and Andrik entered was enlightened by some torches, and in the back was a small entrance deeper into the caverns. Karla looked around in the first cave, until two men came out of the shadows right behind the entrance through which they entered in the first place. The men pointed spears at her.

    "Andrik? Who is this? Why are you bringing a stranger into our hideout?" One of them shouted, the other one poked her lightly with his spear. Before Andrik could answer, Karla shoved the spear away from her. "He picked me up on the streets. He wanted to help me. But if I understand correctly, you're the people that will really help me. I want to help to fight against the Oren. His soldiers killed and abducted my family."

    The two men started laughing, but Andrik smiled. The one who spoke first reached her his hand. "Well, we're going to see if you can do something for us, girl. You don't look as if you fought much in your life. What CAN you do?"

    Karla clenched her fist. "I lived my life at a farm. I worked hard, and I survived the cold and freezing winters. When my parents died, it was my fifteenth winter, I survived three days out in the wildness. I was saved by a farmer and his family. When Yushkov's soldiers killed them, I survived another two days out in the cold, together with my little sister. What did you do to survive in the cold? Did you fight for yourself or did you sit them through in a warm house?"

    The men stared at her, then they laughed again, but it was a warm and welcoming laughter. "Andrik, this girl has got some fire! We could need more of them!" Andrik himself smiled too as he took Karla's hand and went deeper into the cavern, through the other entrance.

    The next cavern was bigger. And warmer. A lot of forges were standing around and some people were forging weapons, even now, in the middle of the night. Not just humans, but she also saw some Onis and Minotaurs here. Swords, axes, hammers and even some guns were produced here. She stared a bit, before she took up one of the hammers and weighted it in her hand. It was heavy, but not too heavy for her to swing it around for a bit. A minotaur looked at her. "Hey, girl! Ya sure ya know how to fight with tha'? A hammer ain't as easy ta wield as ya might fink!" He took the hammer out of her hands. "An' it ain't a toy fer lil' girls tae swing around!"

    Karla smiled. "Hey, big one. I haven't fought in my life yet, but I would be happy to learn something about it, especially from someone who seems as skilled as you." The minotaur laughed and hit her on the back. "Ye've got tha rite spirit, lass. Maybe I'll show ya how ta handle tha big hammer someday, but now I've got tae get back ta work!" He smiled at her while he put down the warhammer and got back to working at the forge.

    Andrik had listened to the small conversation. "Come now, Karla. Time for you to meet our leader, the Fox. She's always happy to meet some new recruits to the cause." Karla nodded and followed him to another cavern. This one was smaller, big enough for a bed and a table made out of three casks and a wooden board. There she sat, the Fox. "Ah, Andrik, you are back! And I see, you brought someone with you! Hello there, girl. Welcome to the rebellion, I'd say. What's your name?"

    Karla bowed in front of what seemed to be the leader of the rebels. "My name is Karla. I lost all what I called family due to the Orens. It's time to fight back, to get my revenge on them."

    The Fox laughed. "That's the spirit, Karla! And you don't need to bow down in front of me. I may be the leader of this troupe, but we are all the same here! Heck, it's more likely that you'd have to bow before our little priest here!" She pointed at Andrik. "But we all gave up our old selves here. No matter if you are a butcher, a soldier or a peasant, we're all the people of Kosul! Now, go to the sleeping cavern, search for a free bed, and get some sleep. It's deep in the night, and you look like you could need some really good rest. Andrik, you stay here, we have some things to discuss."

    Karla smiled as she left the room. She was greeted with so much warmth here, it remembered her about the time when she reached the farm of Leo. It was like a family, bonded by their fight against the Oren.

    She passed two more cavern before she reached the living quarters of the cave complex. Some people were still awake, playing some games of cards or dice and drinking some ale or liquor. She didn't think about sleeping now. It has been an exciting evening, and she wanted to make some new friends here before she went to sleep. So she joined a small group of men who played a game of dice. "Hey, can I join you?" She asked.

    The men looked up to her and smiled. "No problem, lass, take a seat, grab some ale, and join in!" She did as they said. "What's your name, lass?" One of them asked.

    "I'm Karla. I just came here." She replied, nipping at the ale. It wasn't the best she drank, a bit too watery, but she was sure that they wouldn't have nearly enough ale for all of them if they drank it pure. And it wasn't so bad that she wouldn't drink it. She took the dice and started playing.

    Two hours later, she left them, tired but smiling. It was a nice feeling being part of such a group. She still smiled as she fell asleep on her new bed, not more than a small pile of hay with a sheep's pelt, but it felt better than any bed she had slept on before.

    submitted by /u/RedEternal
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    Eternal Highlights #148 - Oops! Mis-queued!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Due to a glitch that was just corrected a few minutes ago, this was some of my sealed pool... they gave me an extra 8 packs! Then they rolled it back, gave me my coins back, revoked my record and I opened another 8 packs. 24 packs total for the cost of entry!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:40 PM PST

    If playing an invoked card gets a symbol, so too ought a Deleph card.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Can you help me!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PST

    Hello, I'm new to the game and decided that this game is what i was looking for so long, but i need some tips and tricks to what to do to grind and became a pro. I bought 4000 gems to give my thanks to the developers but i don't know how is the best way to spend!

    If anyone can give some tips i'll be very thankful Thanks for the attention and i wish you the best

    Nick: TheForgottenMaster

    submitted by /u/theforgottensage
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    Downtime Reminder 3/4

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Eternal will undergo a short maintenance period tomorrow (3/4) that requires downtime. The game will not be accessible for a short time while we complete this maintenance.

    Downtime will begin at 08:30 MST (15:30 UTC), and will take approximately 1 hour.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 39: Echoes of Eternity

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:58 PM PST

    Legends of Runeterra Progress rewards are more fun

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:20 AM PST

    I am not trying to compare the games. They are completely different. Eternal has been out longer, has had more support, we've seen the meta, etc.. this is not a post about LoR.

    That said, there is one feature of LoR I enjoy. I am able to play it casually and feel like I am achieving something. They have 5or6 factions that you gain experience for to unlock 'free cards'. And their progress system feels satisfying. After each game, I have a number of xps remaining to level up, a concrete xps gain amount. And once I level up I get multiple cards.

    This is in contrast to Etcg. We have achievements (and many hidden ones which suck) and then 0-100 faction progress. But the goal for faction progress feels so slow, you cant purposefully grind it to level up imo. The reward is small useless stuff, except an occasional single pack which likely has a useless dust card. The only reason to casually play Eternal is for daily win and daily quest.

    Now, Eternal imo definitely gives out more free cards. Has more depth and things to do (once you finish Runeterra factions I have no clue what I'll do).

    But it just doesnt have a quick play reward high (unless you get beyond lucky chest upgrades but playing just for chest upgrades is not a consistent grind prize).

    I hope they can incorporate some kind of easy quick level grind prize system.

    submitted by /u/AlphaTenken
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    Rakano aggro deck featuring kindling carver

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PST

    Hello! I've been brewing a lot with kindling carver recently (it's ability reminds me of skull clamp, which is one of my favorite magic cards) This deck takes the shell of a Rakano aggro deck and then adds kindling carver and a tokens package (assembly line, grenadin drone, and spark Hatcher) for consistent card draw. This allows the deck to transition pretty well into the mid game and sometimes even the late game, unlike traditional aggro decks. I don't now if anyone's done this before, but I've been really liking it so here it is- https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/Cag1Kyz0Hr8/rakano-aggro-w-kindling-carver-package I'd love some feedback:)

    Edit- thanks for the advice everyone:)

    submitted by /u/TheSoberPug
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    How to complete Diamond Aegis Puzzle?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:17 PM PST

    I'm trying to work through the puzzles atm and I've gotten stuck on the Diamond Aegis Puzzle. I've looked up the solution after attempting it myself but the solutions I've found have the board as Outland Sniper, Ticking Grenadin and Ridgeline Watcher. However on my attempts the Ridgeline Watcher has been swapped for Steadfast Deputy and as such the statline has gone from 3/3 to 1/1. This leaves the puzzle 2 damage short from being able to be finished. Is this a bug or am I just not seeing a possible solution. Any help please would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Grognac87
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    How many is too many? (Draft)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:12 PM PST

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