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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Misplay Comic - "Super Interactive"

    Eternal Card Game Misplay Comic - "Super Interactive"

    Misplay Comic - "Super Interactive"

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Eternal Highlights #146 - Have You Seen the Nukes?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:02 AM PST

    League this month should be .... pretty good I think

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:03 AM PST

    Skycrag Dragons - Self Promo Video/Writeup

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PST

    I was scouting out a deck for todays video, decided with a little help that I'd be looking for some skycrag dragons!
    there were a bunch of decks on warcry but I couldn't pin down one that I really wanted to play - so I decided to amalgamate some of these decks together and make the market one that works for me.

    Now I am doing some savage self promotion because I've only just come back from my break and 100% getting punished by the Youtube Algo





    So I really like this list, I was impressed by how good all the dragon cards actually synergise together, so we have Tatoo dragon, which admittedly is not a four of but I decided that with only one dragon ramp card we only wanted ~6 4 cost dragons, and I think that Acedonis is just too busted especially when we are trying to go ham with spells.

    Tattoo dragon is kind of like Uelo in Elysian fliers who gives you these little chumps on the ground that can either make the game a little bit messy or just be additional attacking power, but with these you can actually get them on your opponents turn by using dragon forge & market.

    We get to make a bunch of grunts too for free as we are playing the 0/3 and Cozin which both draw us a card when we play dragons meaning that we can go super wide, might actually be an argument to play a set of them. I liked playing them with the decimate power too as this again counts as drawing a card, I think we just incidentally have so many additional draws that it just seems worth it and just having more pledge allows us to feel a little heavier on power.

    The eclipse dragons were absolutely absurd as it lets you have something in play that is a threat hitting your opponent in the head on your turn but lets you hold up our eternal version of force of will, as we have enough power left over to market for a backlash/unseal.

    I like that we have tonnes of small unit removal that can go upstairs, scaling with spell damage and giving us a bunch of potential with Acedonis, Ace is a really decently sized body at a 3/4 flier, and can help our Cinder Clutch by either boosting the damage or if we are miles ahead giving us a bunch of additional copies to just spew off.



    4 Blazing Salvo (Set8 #1)

    1 Charchain Flail (Set1 #3)

    3 Cinder Clutch (Set1007 #1)

    4 Provoke the Dragons (Set8 #92)

    4 Sear (Set8 #8)

    4 Skywatch Zealot (Set7 #99)

    4 Spellbound Vestige (Set8 #152)

    4 Teething Whelp (Set7 #8)

    4 Burningcore Drake (Set8 #14)

    4 Cozin Darkheart (Set7 #10)

    3 Dragon Forge (Set7 #12)

    4 Acedonis, Untainted (Set8 #153)

    2 Tattoo Dragon (Set8 #21)

    4 Eclipse Dragon (Set6 #35)

    1 Spitflame Draconus (Set1007 #13)

    5 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)

    4 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)

    4 Emblem of Linrei (Set7 #91)

    4 Emblem of Shavka (Set7 #1)

    4 Seat of Fury (Set0 #53)

    4 Skycrag Insignia (Set7 #162)


    1 Backlash (Set1 #200)

    1 Edict of Shavka (Set7 #3)

    1 Piercing Shot (Set1 #25)

    1 Unseal (Set3 #167)

    1 Draconic Ire (Set7 #11)


    <3 enjoy x

    submitted by /u/Thatresolves
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    Please help with my sealed league pool

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Here's my pool. Kind of lost, as I'm new to this set.

    Trying to figure out what deck to go with. Even faction suggestions would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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    Strangers Combo

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:02 AM PST

    The magnificent stranger is jin-woo from solo-leveling ��...it was bugging me for a bit then it hit me.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Report Inactivity Feature (Suggestion)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Report Inactivity Feature (Suggestion)

    Something needs to be done about the poor sportsmanship of players that intentionally go inactive. Whether this inactivity is malicious in nature (such as idling in hopes that the other player disconnects) or simply due to poor connection; it's not enjoyable to deal with.

    Currently there is no system in place for dealing with these inactive players, with the only reportable offense being a player's username.

    Give players the ability to report one another for intentional inactivity. Players who intentionally and/or repeatedly run their turn timer until the final few moments before playing any cards or ending their turn should be subject to in-game consequences for their behavior.

    Visual Mockup

    Visual Concept Ideas for a \"Report Inactivity\" button. Mockup #2 includes an \"add friend\" button to even out the two sides, and also because it would be another nice feature to have. Mockup #2 also uses pre-existing assets so no new art would be needed.

    Players with multiple valid inactive reports against them would have a shortened turn timer in a set number of their future matches, to prevent them from idling against subsequent opponents.

    Preventing False Reports
    Throughout the course of a match, the game would keep an integer counter for each player to keep track of how many times that player ran the turn timer until it's final few moments before either ending their turn or playing a card. If this counter is at 0 for a player who received a report, the report would be discarded.

    Preventing False Reports Cont.
    As previously stated, when a player reaches a set amount of reports against them they would have a shortened turn timer in future matches. However, not all reports are of equal value. Players who abuse the report feature would be subject to the consequence of their reports not holding the same value as other player's. This would be a sort of trust factor system, where players that falsely report don't have as much of an impact as players who truthfully report. (Falsely reporting could be determined if reports are sent and the integer counter for a player's inactivity is still at 0).

    In Practice (An Example of This System In Use)

    Let's set the threshold of valid inactive reports to result in receiving consequences at 2. Player A has never sent false reports and is now in a match with Player B, who is inactive. Player A reports Player B for inactivity and the game confirms the inactivity. Player B now only one valid inactive report away from facing consequences.
    After the match ends, Player B enters a match with Player C. Player C has a record of falsely reporting, and so their report doesn't have as much value as Player A. Player B continues to be inactive in their match against Player C, so Player C reports them. The game confirms the inactivity but due to the lower trust factor of Player C's report, the report has a lower value than Player A's. (Just for example we'll give it half as much value as Player A's). Player B is now 0.5 valid reports away from facing consequences.
    Player B plays one more match and is now against Player D. Player D, much like Player C, also has a record of falsely reporting (and thus a lower trust factor). Player B is inactive yet again and is reported by Player D. Once more, the game confirms the inactivity. Player B has now reached the threshold value of 2 valid reports and will face consequences in their future matches.

    Whether we need a system that's this in-depth or not is debatable, but what we do need at the bare minimum is some way to prevent players from intentionally becoming inactive and taking fun out of the game.

    If anyone else has ideas for improving a system like this or has thoughts about adding the ability to report inactivity in general; I'd appreciate seeing discussion about it in the comments!

    submitted by /u/SCH0TZ1
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    Replacements for Saber-Tooth prideleader?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Hey, came back to the game after a long break and crafted an FTJ midrange deck i saw on team rankstar. One of the cards it says to have is Saber-tooth prideleader. I don't have the Grodov expansion and honestly the other cards seem kinda meh in it so I'd rather buy a campaign when I get the gold (correct me if I'm wrong though). What are some good replacements for it? I've been using shatterglass mage but I'm not sure its the right choice. Thanks for any help in advance.

    Edit: Thanks for the advice guys, looks like Qirin ascendant is exactly what im looking for

    submitted by /u/AlphaPi
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    What year is this? Do we realize that relic hate exists in this day and age? Can we please act like reasonable human beings and not savages ?XD

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:38 PM PST

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