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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Natural Order

    Eternal Card Game Natural Order

    Natural Order

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Sewer Crocodile

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Eternal Journey Host Successful Charity Tournament

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    The Boxer Reviews Eternal Spoilers Part 1!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, Tchamber5 here!

    The boxer wrote a great review of the cards that have been spoiled so far (don't worry there are more to come)! He kindly posted it on BacklashNews! Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say about these cards. Did the boxer nail it? Is he way off base? let us know! talk to you soon.



    submitted by /u/rookiechef
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    5 Most Frequently Changed Cards in Eternal History (excluding Closed Beta)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Eternal's frequent balance patches are one of its strongest points, and a willingness to buff underplayed cards has always kept things fresh throughout the years. This often means reverting old nerfs (Icaria the Liberator returns to her full glory) or otherwise tuning cards multiple times. For this list, I'm only looking at functional card changes – name changes or art changes don't count. I'm also not including any closed beta changes because card stats, art, and names all changed during that time, and nothing was truly set in stone until the Closed Beta ended. Without any further ado, here's a list of the five cards that were changed most frequently once the game left Closed Beta.

    1. Statuary Maiden (4 changes)

    1.28 – Text changed to "Deadly. Enemy units can't Entomb or Revenge. When an enemy unit dies, transform it into a +2/+2 Cudgel and draw it." (was "Deadly. When an enemy unit dies, transform it into a +2/+2 Cudgel and draw it.")

    1.46.6 – Stats changed to 2/2 (was 2/4)

    1.47.2c – Stats changed to 2/3 (was 2/2)

    1.51.0 – Stats changed to 2/4 (was 2/3)

    More or less the inspiration for this list, after some brutal nerfs in 1.46.6, Statuary Maiden has finally been restored to its former statline. Once a key player for keeping the void in check and giving Stonescar decks extra value for their removal, Statuary Maiden has long been relegated to the sideline in favor of newer, more efficient options and transform effects. Will her restoration bring her back into the metagame? Probably not!

    2. Withering Witch (3 changes)

    1.18 – Stats changed to 1/1 (was 1/4)

    1.28 – Ability now "Each undamaged enemy unit's health becomes 1" (was "Each enemy unit's health becomes 1")

    1.49 – Stats changed to 1/4 (was 1/1)

    Like Statuary Maiden, Withering Witch was sidelined for a long time before finally getting her stats back. Unfortunately, her 1.28 nerf has not been reverted, and time has marched on and there's just much better ways to kill things nowadays than Witch + Spell. It's also much easier to expend outside of your factions for other tools. Believe it or not, getting the influence to cast spells used to be a challenge.

    3. Champion of Chaos (3* changes)

    1.18 – Abilities changed to give +1/+0 instead of +1/+1

    1.28.8 – Now a Gunslinger Rogue (was Rogue)

    1.45.1 - Abilities changed to give +1/+1 instead of +1/+0

    Our theme of reverted nerfs continues, and we encounter our first asterisk. While typeline changes usually aren't functional, adding Gunslinger was certainly relevant to Champion of Chaos at the time, as it allowed it to hold a Hideout Pistol and activate Common Cause. A stalwart of Stonescar decks for many years, and (probably) one of the primary reasons we didn't get (m)any good shadow 3 drops for a long, long time…

    4. Soulfire Drake (3* changes)

    1.14 – Stats changed to 5/2 (was 4/2)

    1.18 – Cost changed to 5FFF (was 5FF)

    1.28.7 – Cost increased to 6 (was 5)

    The first card on this list not to have its nerfs reverted… yet. Another asterisk here, as this card was technically changed during the Open Beta patch itself, and I said this would only count changes that happened after the closed beta ended. I'm listing it here partially on the technicality that Closed Beta ended before the Open Beta patch began, and mostly on the confidence that nobody would remember 1.14 was the Open Beta patch unless I mentioned it. Regardless, Soulfire Drake was the top end of many an aggro deck and I wouldn't like to see it back in a slow Torch metagame.

    5. Merchants (2 Changes plus a global change)

    Auralian Merchant

    1.39.1 – Stats changed to 0/4 (was 1/4)

    1.48 – Stats changed to 0/3 (was 0/4)

    Ixtun Merchant

    1.42.2 – Stats changed to 3/2 (was 3/3)

    1.51 – Stats changed to 3/3 (was 3/2)

    Jennev Merchant

    1.42.2 – Stats changed to 2/2 (was 3/2)

    1.51 – Stats changed to 2/3 (was 3/2)

    Market Rule Change

    1.50 – All markets became Black Markets (Markets may no longer contain copies of maindeck cards)

    Three cards packed into one, and another asterisk – while technically not a change to any individual card, the market changes certainly affected the playability of the original Merchants, and as such I'm rolling it in with them. Auralian Merchant got hit twice, Ixtun Merchant got put back, and Jennev Merchant got compensation buffs. I wouldn't say I've seen them all too much since the Market change, now being almost strictly worse than their smuggler counterparts, but perhaps the assumed monocolor support in the upcoming set will do them some good.

    Honorable Mentions: Boomerang Cards (Cards that changed, then changed back)

    At least 32 cards were functionally changed twice in Eternal, far too many to list here, hence the asterisks above to pull out some "thrice changed" cards. For these honorable mentions, I've chosen to present the cards that were changed, but later changed back to their original state. Note that this means an exact revert. For example, Vara, Fate Touched wouldn't count due to the addition of voidbound the second time around, and Levitate doesn't count because now it can only target your units. Unfortunately I can't list my favorite Boomerang card Jotun Ambusher, because it was changed in back to back closed beta patches and then removed in the transition to open beta, but I did just mention it anyways for value. Here are the seven (!) post Closed Beta Boomerang cards!

    Crownwatch Paladin

    1.18 – Stats changed to 2/1 (was 2/2)

    1.45.1 – Stats changed to 2/2 (was 2/1)


    1.47.2c – Now kills attackers that cost 2 or less, stuns 3 or more (was kill 3 or less, stun 4 or more)

    1.51 – Now kills attackers that cost 3 or less, stuns 4 or more (was kill 2 or less, stun 3 or more)

    Desert Marshal

    1.14 – Stats changed to 2/1 (was 2/2)

    1.45.1 – Stats changed to 2/2 (was 2/1)


    1.43 – Now silences a unit in the opponent's hand that costs 4 or less (was 3 or less).

    1.50 – Now silences a unit in the opponent's hand that costs 3 or less (was 4 or less).

    Icaria, the Liberator

    1.39.1 – Now 8FFFJJJ (Was 7FFFJJJ)

    1.46.6 – Now 7FFFJJJ (was unplayable)

    Inspired Prank

    1.48 – Now costs 3P (was 4P)

    1.51 – Now costs 4P (was 3P)

    Staff of Stories

    1.18 – Stats changed to +0/+4 (was +0/+5)

    1.51 – Stats changed to +0/+5 (was +0/+4)

    Staff of Stories was framed and didn't deserve that nerf! It's interesting that 1.51 reverted 3 of the boomerang cards and 3 cards from the top 5 – certainly a nostalgia patch.

    Please note that I did all of my research manually, and I may have missed some changes. If there's a card that's been functionally changed 3 or more times and didn't make the list, please let me know! As always, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/aReNGeeEternal
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    NotoriousGHP reviews the upcoming Plunder, Decay and returning Revenge Mechanics

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Xenan deadly rod comes with some ridiculous boards

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Prediction on the next set of nightmare heroes?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    My money is on Yushkov or Milo (FS)

    submitted by /u/WhyISalty
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    [Argent Depths] Rindra, Infiltrator (from MercurioBlue on Twitch)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Argent Depths spoiler - Swampy...Tentacle... Sister? No, Murky Tentaclesis

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Can you give some tips on how to make good draft decks?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    I'm Bronze in Draft and I literally can't get past 1 win. I played 3 drafts today and got a single win in total, so I figure there's something I'm doing wrong. I usually hover around Gold in ranked but in draft I'm hopeless.

    You guys got any advice for me?

    submitted by /u/Ivanovitchtch
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    Finally got the bounty! (Playing sealed league)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Why Eternal streamers stream much less?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    There were times when Eternal on Twitch had around 5 channels and around 700 viewers and now Eternal has 1 channel and 300 viewers. Is it because EoE wasn't best printed set?

    submitted by /u/honza099
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    Just played the same opponent+deck twice in a row in the same draft

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Shouldn't this not be possible? Yes, I'm sure it was the same person and draft deck both times.

    I was 5-0, then I was 5-2 after facing the same person twice. Pretty feelbad :D

    submitted by /u/diablo-solforge
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    Got it!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Got it!


    Drafted a sick time deck - almost mono time with light justice splash. Felt like I was playing constructed against the other deck. Had one close game against a top 20 mythic opponent. Happy to be drafting again. Love the game.

    submitted by /u/glamdringull
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