• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Eternal Card Game PSA: You can use '{F}','{J}','{P}','{S}','{T}' to search for faction symbols in card text in eternalwarcry.com. This is very useful for Argent Depths cards. You can just type 'justice', 'primal' etc in the game itself to do the same.

    Eternal Card Game PSA: You can use '{F}','{J}','{P}','{S}','{T}' to search for faction symbols in card text in eternalwarcry.com. This is very useful for Argent Depths cards. You can just type 'justice', 'primal' etc in the game itself to do the same.

    PSA: You can use '{F}','{J}','{P}','{S}','{T}' to search for faction symbols in card text in eternalwarcry.com. This is very useful for Argent Depths cards. You can just type 'justice', 'primal' etc in the game itself to do the same.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    For example: Which cards give double justice? Search "Gain {J}{J}".

    Which Fire cards care about Time faction? Search "{T}", set faction to Fire.

    Remember that eternalwarcry performs substring search so words must be in the text next to each other in order.

    submitted by /u/intotheirishole
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    Steal Effect Fix

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    We have made the following fix:

    • Effects that steal cards from the opponent should no longer cause the game to hang.

    If you continue to run into this issue after restarting Eternal, please let us know via in-game feedback (under Options), or at support@direwolfdigital.com

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    25% off the Eternal Starter Kit on Steam!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Premium Reflection: Making Bob Ross Proud!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Premium Reflection: Making Bob Ross Proud!

    I have to say that the premium Reflection is just gorgeous. Well done, DWD!


    submitted by /u/marvin_the_imp
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    5f decks be like

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    DWD: No Revenge Ever Ends > All Revenges Never End OUR SWEET BOY DESERVES BETTER

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    New brew! ALL the influence with Sincere Flattery

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Bug - Having cards stolen from your deck causes the game to freeze/hang. If you experience it, report it in the game to Direwolf.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    I saw at least 4 different threads pop up overnight, so I am consolidating it into a single post.

    If you are the victim of any "card theft", the game will freeze/hang. At this point, Direwolf is likely very aware, but use the Feedback option in the game menu to report it as a Bug.

    Please do not open any more threads about it.

    submitted by /u/Alomba87
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    Interesting cards that care about influence

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Of course there are cards that have the surge keyword.

    But there are other interesting cards that are not obvious to search for. These may be good for your Surge decks.

    YSK: New Common card [[Battery Mage]] 5TT Surge: +1 Maximum Power. You probably want this in a surge deck.

    Fast speed Surge - Fast spells that gain influence and hence provide unexpected boosts to combat:

    Cost Name Effect Gain
    2J Barrel Through Give a unit +3/+3 this turn F or P
    5FF Valley of the Ancients Play a 5/4 Sentinel TT or SS
    5TT Silent Hysteria Silence Enemy units and void JJ or FF
    5JJ Unbreakable Tradition Double a units attack health TT or PP
    4PP Forbidden Research Draw 3 cards then discard 2 JJ or SS
    6SS Imprison Enemy player sacrifices 2 units FF or PP

    I tried to find the full cycle for Barrel Through, and found that there are only 2 more spells that gain influence: Reap (gain life, gain all factions on decimate), Be Gone (bounce unit gain S or J). Strange that the cycle seems incomplete.

    Cards that care about total influence:

    Name Faction Cares about Type Provides
    Darkblade Cutpurse Fire Shadow Unit +X/+0
    Flash Fire Fire Fire Spell +Damage
    Arcanum Battery Fire Time Unit -Cost
    Rebuild Time Fire Spell +Power
    Worldly Cleric Time Time Unit +Life
    Timekeeper (old) Time Time Unit +X/+X (Twinned Spiteling (SS) plays this)
    Delay Time Justice Fast Spell Play X/X Minotaur
    Shadowland Wanderer Time Shadow Unit -Cost
    Trickshot Ruffian Justice Justice Unit Give another unit+X/+X and Lifesteal this turn
    Audacious Ruse Justice Justice Fast Spell Enemy Units get -X/-0 this turn
    Mantle of Justice (old) Justice Justice Weapon +X/+X
    Hearty Warrior Primal Primal Unit +0/+X
    Primal Incarnation (old) Primal Primal Unit +X/+0
    Jotun Iceslinger Primal Shadow Unit Summon: Deal damage to enemy unit
    Devouring Shadow (old) Shadow Shadow Spell Give a unit -X/-X
    Midnight Hunt Shadow Shadow Fast Spell Give a unit +X/+0 and Quickdraw
    BackBreaker Shadow Justice Relic Weapon Summon:+0/+X
    Diana, Faith's Shield Time Justice All Unit Ultimate (12 cost) Gain +X/+X
    Determination Engine None Max(Any) Unit Summon: Gain +X/+0

    Cards that care about influence thresholds: (I might finish this table later there are too many cards)

    Name Faction
    Corrosive dagger
    Jekk's Takedown
    Steam Blast
    Steam Sprite
    Ijin, Walking Armory
    Moment of Triumph
    Silverblade Intrusion
    Caravan Guard
    Valiant Leap
    Enter the Monastery
    Sabre of Progress
    Curtain Call
    Ayan, Dark Conduit
    Feral Mandrake
    Bubble Shield
    Helio, the Skywinder
    False Demise
    Felrauk the Outcast
    Oskar, Chief Tinker
    Stealth Strike
    Star Reader Severin
    At Any Cost
    The new 5 Rare 1 cost spells that transmute
    The 5 new uncommon cards that get battle skills
    Wandering Beholder
    All Waystones
    All Etchings
    All Emblems
    All Champions
    All Cargo
    submitted by /u/intotheirishole
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    Mono Primal Midrange gets a little beefier with Argent Depths

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Possible Imbue Bug

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    So i attacked in with Cirso, The Great Glutton and he transformed 3 units into pigs which brought my Feral Mandrake back from the void. I decided to imbue Cirso to stun him and keep him alive but the attack went through anyway? Shouldnt a stun stop the attack almost if somebody played a fast spell stun on him? Maybe its not a bug just thought id make it known.

    submitted by /u/Vuocolo
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    Worldshaper's Staff + Kaleb's Sanctum= profit (pre Argent Depths)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Yorja's Yetis [EXP]

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Sunyveil drafts Argent Depths for the first time!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    My first successful brew of this set: good old Rakano Aggro

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    This is where I've ended up on Rakano Aggro for right now. The list seems to have enough speed and power to get under a lot of decks in the format right now, but that could be a result of people experimenting and running un-refined lists. The deck is a lot of fun, and has some crazy huge turns and interesting play patterns.

    Any help on the power base would be great; I'm terrible at making good power bases.

    [Edit: the market is also a crapshoot at this point, so ideas are welcome.]

    The sleeper hit of the deck has been [[Frontline Volunteer]]. A 3-mana 3/4 with Quickdraw is nothing to laugh at. [[Volatile Grenadin]] is about as good as I expected it to be, as is [[Siege Train]]. [[Trickshot Ruffian]] is a star in the aggro mirror, as he allows you to out-race the other guy.

    As to why I'm not playing Jekk: I tried, and I didn't feel like he was consistent enough. Perhaps it was my powerbase, or perhaps it was just luck, but I never seemed get to pop off with him, ever. Milos is more linear, but he's performed better for me in testing. I'm definitely open to suggestions on how to better incorporate Jekk into the deck, because we all know Jekkspedition is the way to go.

    submitted by /u/Musical_Muze
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    Forge - Decay

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Has anyone else noticed that the AI seems overly concerned with decay units? They just block them in the absolute worst way.

    submitted by /u/irv_blitz
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    6/24 Update

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    We hope everyone is enjoying the release of Argent Depths! Thanks to your feedback and user reports, we have fixed the following issues with the latest update:

    • Hasty Builder's card art should now appear correctly.

    • Fixed an issue where some users could get stuck in the 2nd game of the Fire section of the The Empty Throne campaign.

    • Fixed an issue where the Premium version of Garden of Omens would display the alternate art version of Ice Bolt.

    • Veteran Mercenary should once again create and draw a card when played.

    • The buff from Bryn, Inner Strength's ability should no longer wear off when the buffed card changes zones.

    • Fixed an issue where the "Secret Stash" achievement would not progress when Plundering.

    • Fixed an issue where Stealth Strike would incorrectly have Deadly when the player had only one Shadow influence.

    If you encounter these issues after restarting Eternal, or have any questions, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game feedback under Options.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Why... are Rustlings Elementals?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I feel that there's such a huge opportunity lost with token sacrificing with rustlings, but why are they elementals?

    Would it have been too OP if they were grenadins?

    submitted by /u/Naturalrice
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    Eternal Salty Brew - EHG Worldpyre [Throne]

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Can we talk about some premium shiftstoning QoL improvements?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Right now, it takes approximately 5 seconds to shiftstone an individual premium card. This is pretty horrible user experience design. Here's my wishlist for improvements.

    1. Allow us to mass-shiftstone premium cards in some form or another. This could be very robust or as simple in concept as letting us checkmark/tally cards in the card menu, then shifstone them all at once.

    2. At a minimum, allow us to disable the animation. I don't need to wait for 5 seconds to see my 5000th card poofing be carried out (Same goes for packs, but that's another topic).

    submitted by /u/SasquatchBrah
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    Already seeing an uptick in boardwipes and Relic Weapons in response to the new meta.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    And I do believe the proliferation of said decks will not slow down for a while.

    submitted by /u/vssavant2
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    Anyone else worried about the expedition power base?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    So I took a look at exactly what power cards expedition has and...its not very many.

    Every 2f combo has its seat, and then either a vow or a cylix depending on which one the new set gave it. this is the entire extent of the multi coloured power in expedition. Yes there are symbols but those always come in depleted and they don't fix in the sense that they only provide one of your colours.

    Now, 3f decks seem fine, especially if they have 2 sets of cylixes because those puppies are powerful. But 2f I think might have some issues, again doubly so if they have a vow instead of a cylix. Running two playsets of symbols is probably infeasible for even vaguely tempo-oriented decks.

    Finally, the disparity between vows and cylixes seems large. Cylixes give two influence, don't damage you, and can draw a trove "later" into the game when you already have good influence established, in exchange for rarely being depleted. The vows also take a sigil out of your deck which is a mixed bag because the etchings want sigils

    submitted by /u/14ierophant
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