• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Eternal Card Game Dev Stream with Corey Burkhart starts in one hour! Get some drops!

    Eternal Card Game Dev Stream with Corey Burkhart starts in one hour! Get some drops!

    Dev Stream with Corey Burkhart starts in one hour! Get some drops!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    7/7 Update

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    We are aware that players on Android are encountering an issue that may prevent them from logging in. We are currently working on a fix. Thank you for your patience.

    We have also made the following fixes and improvements:

    • Fixed an issue where Equalize would not make the opponent discard if both players had the same number of cards in hand before Equalize was played.

    • Fixed an issue where units affected by Curtain Call could be killed after being silenced.

    • Blocking units affected by Curtain Call should now correctly deal damage to attackers with Quickdraw.

    • Fixed an issue where Electrostatic Distortion could prevent some effects from playing Relic Weapons.

    • Jekk, Mercenary Hunter's summon effect should now correctly be optional.

    • Fixed an issue where units transformed into Epoch Infestation would always be able to attack and block.

    • Fixed an issue where players could not opt out of the Market exchange from an Etchings card after exhausting the unit.

    • Svetya, Lightbringer's Surge effect should now correctly apply to factionless units.

    • Fixed an issue where a player Aegis granted by Aniyah, Master Sleuth would reappear if it was removed by Vara, Vengeance Seeker and Vara was then killed or silenced.

    • Gates of Hope should now have correct VFX when played.

    • Fixed an issue where Makto, Valorous Savior would prevent Shavka's Song (which cannot be stopped) from providing power.

    • Added dynamic counting text to several cards that were missing it.

    • Fixed an issue where Ubsat the Savior was incorrectly silencing a unit in play rather than the units in the opponent's hand.

    If you encounter any of these issues after restarting Eternal, or have any questions, please let us know at support@direwolfdigital.com or via in-game feedback under Options.

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Android Login Issue

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    We are aware of a login issue impacting Android users and are working on a fix.

    Thank you for your patience and please reach out to support@direwolfdigital.com if you have any further questions or concerns!

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Daily Deck Tech: Hooru Control

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I did some friendly chat videos on different Eternal topics.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Meta Snapshot

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Meta Snapshot

    Breakdown of the Meta since the release of Argent Depths. Shaded regions in the main graph indicate 5% of the meta, any particular deck archetype encompassing more than 5% of the meta is labeled, factions are shown if they make up more than 2.5% of the meta. Decks making up more than 5% of the metagame were plotted on the Reactivity and Otherzoniness metrics.

    This is the second installment of the Meta breakdown and the first to use the Reactivity and Otherzoniness metrics. Thanks to everybody who submitted their games:

    YellowTernal (LurksLeighs)

    A total of 107 Throne and 206 Expedition games were submitted.

    Expedition is ruled by Mono shadow midrange, which has benefited from the addition of Spiritweaver, Prism Golem and Shadow Etchings.

    This is followed in popularity by a number of more aggressive decks, starting with Skycrag aggro, followed by Combrei midrange, Stonescar aggro, and Mono fire. In between, there are some Xenan builds, but these fall into several different camps, with both Xenan ambush and some outlier decks represented. Ambush did not clear the 5% hurdle. Mono time midrange did clear it though and it heavily features ambushers. No control decks made it above 5%, though they do exist and seem to be able to deal with the midrange mono-colored decks just fine. But so far none of them by itself has proven popular.

    In Throne Shadow rules in a different way. The 4 two-color pairs that include shadow make up a hefty chunk of the meta, with Xenan leading the way. Partly this is Xenan ambush, partly it is big Xenan builds and even some Curtain call combo decks (these were just shy of 5% of the reported meta). Next is Feln which is more reactive and cares less about board state than any other deck in our roundup. It's still firmly planted in the midrange. Stonescar meanwhile is showing up as a number of hyperaggressive builds, while Argenport gets to use the new Svetya along with the new Rolant. This is followed by Hooru decks, which break up into a wide range of builds, between unitless and aggro followed by Mono shadow. Even in Throne it reaches more than 5%.

    As per usual: Please submit your games here, I will post the next Meta snapshot next week if I have more than 200 games for either format by then. If I don't, the next installment will come as soon as one format has 200 games reported.

    submitted by /u/susuexp
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    (Expedition) 4 faction Keelo

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Another deck with my favorit petcard Keelo, currently 6:2 in diamond (and yotta went 7:0 with the list on stream). Still work in progress, but the powerbase worked well most of the time and the unit line up felt good too. You could try to swap some of the 1 ofs (or units in the market) with units like Black Sky Harbinger tho. Curtai Call and Bubble Shield are really good against control (CC is basically good against anything tho, and the influence isnt hard to reach with this deck; Shield is mostly there as additional CCs and for cards that CC doesnt block, like Turn to seed or Permafrost). Distillation is a bit slow now, but its easy to play and this deck needs the card draw. Good luck and have fun!

    List: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/Lv9VPNqt4po/4f-keelo

    submitted by /u/L0rdPerth
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    I know no one cares, but I wanted to share this with somebody.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Curtain Call/fast spell question

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I was just playing sealed and attacked with a 3 power reckless unit into a 8 toughness unit, intending on playing Curtain Call, then using Magma Javelin to finish the opposing unit off, but the game gave me no window to play Curtain Call before my unit went and bit it, leaving me high and dry.

    Curtain Call is a fast spell so I don't know why I was boned like that, is there a rule I'm missing? I had no other units in play at the time, but it appears that you can play Curtain Call if you have only one unit, as it was highlighted later in the game when I had only one guy out.

    submitted by /u/mageta621
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    Let's build a Keelo deck!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    I returned to Eternal after a break and Im down to throne-bronze right now. So everything goes, all in good fun. :D

    I got myself Whispers and I want to build a Keelo deck now. Together with steal effects to make the best use of her sacrifice. So this is what I came up with:

    Keelo deck; Click on the "Stats" button to get a good overview!

    I only have two Spiritweavers so far so that's all the Plunder there is. The natural curve ends at 4 unitwise - I added a 5,6 and 7 drop in order for Keelo to play something good if the opportunity presents itself. The Wisps are there to be returned by Dredger and provide card draw and a way to deal with early, low-attack riff-raff Im not eager to steal. I only own one Grasping for Shadows; the two Dark Returns are stand-ins until I have 3. Two Banners are replacing two Vows until I can get my hands on them.

    There are two problems that immediately come to mind when starting playing this deck. 1) Its gimmick comes into play at turn 5 the earliest (steal and sacrifice). That might be too late at times. 2) Feels pretty bad to draw the bombs into your hand because of very high influence requirements. Maybe a Symbol in the market might help for when that happens?

    Actually there is a third problem: nearly/unitless decks! Thats almost an immediate concede.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this deck?

    submitted by /u/Mantarrochen
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    Eternal Salty Brew - Surge Aggro [Throne]

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Cant login on phone

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Did anyone else just get an update on the phone client and cant login afterwards?

    submitted by /u/midinvaerne
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    Influence matters theme

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Before I go into a surge of negativity, let me preface by saying that plunder is one of the best mechanics ever across all trading card games I've played:

    • It fixes early game while giving you decisions to make
    • It has plenty of interactions with previous themes, such as echo, fate and dragons
    • It's generally better than pledge, but without too much overlap

    Kudos to the team for this gem of a mechanic.

    I can't say the same about influence matters. I think there are two distinct issues with it. The first are cards that count influence, the other one is surge. The general conclusion is that these cards need to be nerfed and that cards that provide some kind of counterplay should be introduced. The first few times you play with it are fun. Then, as with any broken mechanic, the annoyance just starts settling in.

    Cards that count influence, like Helio the skywinder and trickshot ruffian are extremely pushed cards providing out-of-nowhere comebacks. That would be acceptable if the cards weren't themselves already playable, even pushed, at low influence. I would also be acceptable if they didn't scale with a resource that is virtually impossible to interact with.

    Surge has the same issue as "influence matters" cards: they are pushed even in non-dedicated decks, while insanely easy to combo with in a way that provides no counter-play because the triggering effect is currently not within the design space for counter-play.

    I think surge is the bigger culprit however, as it's a less balanced version of empower. Sure, it can trigger in more ways and scale more, but when you put side-by-side the surge triggers and the empower triggers, you just get that overwhelming sense of déjà-vu. The fact that the "new" elements to the empower mechanic (itself a rather bland mechanic that's been done before) have the aforementioned swingy, uncounterable and strictly better qualities to empower just adds to the collective yawn once the novelty wears off.

    In terms of potential counterplay, the easiest solutions are:

    * cards that scale with the enemy's resources, like silverblade menace, Icaria first reaper, Maul or Black-sky harbinger, but for influence

    * cards that prohibit the resource in the first place, like authoritarian creation. Maybe a symmetric card capping players' influence counts to two per faction would kill multiple birds with one stone and promote healthier decks. Another variant would be a card capping total influence to five, which would still make Helio and trickshot be pushed, but less swingy, while forcing surge players to make decisions

    * cards that steal the enemy's triggers: e.g. P fast spell, all influence gained by opponent this turn is gained by you instead, draw a card. This one would require more reaction windows, which is a major concern with surge

    submitted by /u/Apart-Initiative2576
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    t-thanks guys

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Need some more gold to draft again, let’s see how the Versus formats are looking...

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Lastlight Judgement in Throne ?!?! - Throne Deck Tech & Gameplay

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Visions of revenge

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    Would you like to draw cards? And would you like to draw cards with destiny? Feln revenge theme deck. I have some fun with it in Casual mode.


    3 Dark Return (Set1 #250)

    4 Primal Etchings (Set9 #112)

    3 Swear Vengeance (Set2 #140)

    4 Fortune Teller (Set9 #209)

    4 Frost (Set9 #117)

    4 Haunting Scream (Set1 #374)

    4 Mobilization (Set9 #126)

    4 Shared Vision (Set9 #128)

    4 Rindra, the Duskblade (Set3 #277)

    4 Wasteland Broker (Set9 #214)

    4 Champion of Cunning (Set1 #371)

    4 Elias, Shadow Wing (Set9 #172)

    4 Helio, the Skywinder (Set9 #136)

    6 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)

    3 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)

    4 Feln Banner (Set1 #417)

    4 Feln Insignia (Set6 #234)

    4 Feln Vow (Set9 #208)

    4 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)


    1 Hailstorm (Set1003 #11)

    1 Turn to Seed (Set1087 #8)

    1 Stealth Strike (Set9 #135)

    1 Jotun Feast-Caller (Set3 #187)

    1 Savage Incursion (Set8 #110)

    submitted by /u/honza099
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    Eternal Lore Along: Ch 44. Dead or Alive

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    To hear beautifully written Eternal lore read aloud, go here:


    This week in Eternal Lore, Vara and Coslo try to find a solution to>! Eilyn's impending execution!<.

    Just a clarification: I do not own nor have I had any part in the writing of the lore I read, all rights remain with Dire Wolf Digital. If I am going about these lore readings in an improper way, let me know via email (shadowchef1@gmail.com) or comment down below.

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    Streaming help

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Did my first stream today! It was awesome and thanks to all who tuned in, but I have a few questions for anyone that can help:

    1. How do I get the twitch messages to pop up on screen while in Eternal? (See info below)
    2. Do I as the streamer only get influence while streaming or should I also be getting drops?
    3. How do I enable the waystone overlay? I believe drops were enabled for me.
    4. Is there any music players that are very low in taxing on the computer?
    5. Any other recommendations as I am an uber noob and know next to nothing.

    Info: I'm streaming on a Mac Air so I only have one screen available. I am using TwitchStudio since OBS doesn't seem to be capturing Eternal.

    Because I am on Mac I don't have a "Game Capture" option so I have to stream using my entire screen.

    This is why I want the messages to pop up while I'm in game so I'm not swapping screens every few seconds to check chat. The current workaround I had was playing windowed with chat to side but obviously would like full screen.

    As for music player: I don't know if my Mac air could even handle it since it's already maxing but was maybe hoping there was a very low power player.

    submitted by /u/Ojack_
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