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    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    Eternal Card Game TIL that Ubsat is just backwards Tasbu.

    Eternal Card Game TIL that Ubsat is just backwards Tasbu.

    TIL that Ubsat is just backwards Tasbu.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I feel like an idiot for just noticing this. I know they are both radiant, but Are they related somehow? Am I just not paying attention?

    submitted by /u/damballah
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    Argent Depths Memes Round 1

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Daily Deck Tech: Even Vox Throne

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    NotoriousGHP Breaks down Coslo, Friendly Scavenger

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Eternal Highlights #206 - Severin's Cry

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 43: Argent Depths

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Congrats to all who made the Top 100 for Chapter 43: Argent Depths!

    submitted by /u/DireWolfDigital
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    Mono Argent (21-2 Scion's Arrival)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Eternal League Dead or Alive Week 1

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    To check out the latest league pack opening and gameplay, go here:


    Eight packs of Argent Depths get opened and from it we create a 45 card deck. This week I experiment with 2 different decks over 5 matches. Please enjoy.

    For the full decklist please visit Eternal Warcry: https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/ON8NtVhgIvs/eternal-league-dead-or-alive-week-1

    submitted by /u/ProbablyRedEternal
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    What Xenan card(s) will DWD nerf instead of Curtain Call?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    A bit tongue-in-cheek but DWD seem to love nerfing around a problematic card, so when there are 50+% Xenan decks in the upcoming ECQ which card do you think DWD will nerf instead of Curtain Call?

    I predict that they will "keep an eye on it for the future" and nerf Gentle Grazer to a 2/2 (which honestly wouldn't be the worst thing).

    submitted by /u/Frosty_Pin
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    First Impressions of Set 9 (stream of consciousness thread)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    So, set 9 is here aaand...definitely some ups and downs. Let's go.

    First off, when we have mixed reviews, let's start with the awesome stuff first:


    Just...plunder. This mechanic is...easily among the best Eternal has ever created. At least one longtime veteran has said this is his favorite mechanic ever, and aside from a tiny gripe about multifaction plunder not working like multifaction pledge, my only lament with this mechanic is that it wasn't present in closed beta/set 1 so as to truly demonstrate how Eternal evolved from its MtG roots. In any case, absolutely in love with this mechanic, and hope to see it be far more prolific in the future, without taking up much power budget on cards. Reducing the "you don't get to play" variance is wonderful. I can't say enough good things about this mechanic. Huge props.


    Now, for the biggest negative: the continued proliferation of cheap, game-swinging cards. Didn't like TTS, Menace, Supplier? I'm sure you'll love trickshot ruffian, curtain call, reap with Severin, and Ubsat. Nerf wishlist: Ruffian: 1/2 for 1J -> 3/2 for 2J (press-gang). Curtain Call: 3SSS/6T (no golems pls). Reap: 0 -> 1 (T6 Severin + 2x Reap), Ubsat: silence hand -> silence target (she'll still be very solid as the only member of the cycle with a turn 4 ETB).

    Another mild negative: wildly unbalanced cycles. Equalize and Ubsat are fantastic. Every other card in their respective cycle lacks behind. That said, the Ubsat cycle was actually confirmed by Chapin in discord to be a deliberately "unbalanced cycle" as Helio is the unofficial entry for Primal, along with Icaria for Shadow, and Jekk for fire. Telut is confirmed the intended justice entry. That said, the equalize/at-any-cost cycle, I'm not sure what fire, time, and primal get to do there. If resurface cost less (maybe 2? Maybe 3?). you might be able to do something neat between it and shared visions, but as it stands, it's a bit too expensive.

    Wastelands Broken: why do golem decks now get full-fledged market access? Nerf cost to 5 or a 3/3 for 3 please. No markets for golems, thanks.

    AMBUSH!: so, time went from the faction of "my fatties are GINORMOUS" to "I now can play the game at fast speed". Pretty cool, or pretty irritating, depending on who you ask. Don't get me wrong, I like playing with desert alchemist, but he irritates the Kenna player in me (who by the way, is still very, very good).


    And again, some positive feedback: Cylixes and etchings are very cool. Cylixes: plunder says power or trove. My answer? Yes. Don't make a 2F deck without them. Absolutely wowza powers. Hopefully DWD can outdo themselves in the future with fastlands come set 11, since set 10 completes the cycles of vows/cylixes. Etchings are...neat, but ultimately, feel somewhat unreliable as far as having a unit of that faction just laying around to be exhausted. That said, seek powers that double up as market access later are definitely awesome as far as supplementary market access goes, but I think any deck with them should probably run some formal merchants as well.


    Some good, some bad. More good than bad, IMO. Love how the new powers pack in more small decisions in every little play, and plunder is just one of those amazing mechanics that really lets players take more control over their play. That said, some of the absolutely front-loaded bombs on the cheap feel a bit overbearing. Curtain call being great when behind (swing a race), at parity *(blow out combat), or ahead (negate a sweeper) feels like too much for 2 power. Ubsat silencing the entire hand robs their caster of agency to select a proper target, and so on.

    Anyway, I've been hopelessly addicted to throne trying to find something that feels decent for the upcoming ECQ. Really hoping I don't just have to take Even Xenan :(

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    Eternal Money Brew - Winnie Flyers [Throne]

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Argent Depths Draft

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Argent Depths Draft


    Jedi drafting Argent Depths including the draft and game play of said deck. Having an absolutely great time drafting this format having to balance out between straight two faction decks or leaning heavily into a single faction to facilitate playing the powerful four influence pay offs.


    Twitter - EJthePodcast

    YouTube - EternalJourney


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Blocking with a unit that will be killed or sacrificed question...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    So this has confused me ever since I started playing Eternal... When a unit blocks a unit and then is killed of removed another way like a sacrifice, when does the unit still get through to hit the opponent's face? Most of the time the attacking unit just turns exhausted and doesn't attack, but occasionally it will still attack and I do not know the exact rule of why. IDK if it's a timing thing, a certain spell type, or which way it is removed... Any clarification would be very appreciated as this knowledge is very important to know, thanks 🦄

    submitted by /u/SarahBaer89
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    Is this a bug or intended? A question about aegis

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    I was messing around with a deck in gauntlet when I was surprised by this interaction.

    I have gleeful firebrand and gun down. I target both on an aegis unit. The aegis blocks both. I would have thought that since the damage is from two sources, the firebrand would resolve first, knocking off the aegis, and then the gun down would kill it. That didn't happen.

    Bug or intended?

    submitted by /u/slashar
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    Event deck

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Just ran the scion event 5 times and got 7-0 3 times and 7-1 7-2 with this deck just thought i would share earned a ton of packs :P. Silvercrest Purifier attacking for 512 with overwhelm is hard to beat :P.

    2 Badlands Survivalist (Set9 #2)

    3 Bubble Shield (Set9 #76)

    3 Trickshot Ruffian (Set9 #81)

    3 Barrel Through (Set5 #82)

    4 Bulletshaper (Set4 #244)

    4 Chainwhip Bludgeoner (Set9 #84)

    4 Icaria, Valkyrie Captain (Set1003 #7)

    4 Ironthorn, Lawman (Set9 #185)

    3 Petition (Set4 #274)

    3 Rampage (Set1 #17)

    4 Vanquisher's Blade (Set4 #112)

    4 Silvercrest Purifier (Set9 #93)

    2 Wind Conjuring (Set8 #73)

    4 Marley, Heroic Marshal (Set9 #186)

    4 Fire Symbol (Set9 #1)

    2 Granite Waystone (Set3 #1)

    3 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)

    4 Justice Symbol (Set9 #73)

    3 Crest of Glory (Set4 #243)

    4 Rakano Banner (Set1 #427)

    4 Rakano Cylix (Set9 #184)

    4 Rakano Insignia (Set7 #156)

    submitted by /u/Low_Smile7364
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