• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Eternal Card Game The Time of Ancestors - Power portraits and standout features from the Top 8

    Eternal Card Game The Time of Ancestors - Power portraits and standout features from the Top 8

    The Time of Ancestors - Power portraits and standout features from the Top 8

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    The Time of Ancestors - Power portraits and standout features from the Top 8


    ☀️ Nahid's Faithful and friends have made Sol proud, emerging victorious in The Time of Ancestors event despite having a target painted on their back. This tournament rundown takes a look at Power portraits and standout features for the Top 8 from the first Eternal Championship Qualifier for the 2020 season.


    submitted by /u/PapaCapricorn
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    Bay Area Meetup 11/29-12/01

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I have long entertained the idea of an Eternal meetup in the San Francisco Bay Area, and with things quieting down for me because of Thanksgiving I thought this might be a great time to do it. I know we're pretty scattered about, so I thought that San Mateo might make for a good middle ground to meet up for dinner and/or drinks. I made a form to gauge which night would work best to meet up. I'll send an email out on Tuesday with details for anybody that fills it out. If you want to contact me directly, Discord at Sunyveil#2257 is the best way. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/Sunyveil
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    Peasant Cube Draft (draft and gameplay)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Peasant Cube Draft (draft and gameplay)


    This week Jedi showcases the latest innovation in Cube Drafting with an actual Draft Simulator! Draft Simulator was designed courtesy of SteverCakes from EternalWarcry.com and Kasendrith, so make sure to show them some love!

    This week we are drafting commons and uncommons only in the Eternal Card Game using the simulator that allows everyone to do their own unique draft experience! Since that was the case I am including the draft portion in the video as well as the gameplay including my games and others that participated in the tournament!


    Join us every Sunday at www.twitch.tv/jedi_ej for more cube drafting! It's completely free to join!

    Twitter, YouTube - EJthePodcast


    Discord: https://discord.gg/hzakRbN


    iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eternal-journey/id1441261645

    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/eternal-journey-476372610

    submitted by /u/Jedi_EJ
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    Returning to game

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Hello reddit. I have played eternal during first set. Got almost full collection and had some success at draft format (top 20 rank at some point). I had a break afterwards, and now think about returning to game. I see that there is 7th set and some New formats. Could you please link some resources to get overview of game change. Is there a rotation of sets, standard format or something? Where should I look to get sense of current state of game?

    submitted by /u/gozik
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    Are there any plans to let us use card art for deck icons?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PST

    This seems like a no brainer to me. Even if some kind of fancy border has to be put over them to make them the right proportions so that we don't have to download another picture for every card in the game.

    Is this planned at all? Picking a deck portrait is nonsense at the moment cause they don't seem to be sortable in any way. If I could just punch in my favorite card in the deck and use that for a portrait it'd be a massive improvement.

    submitted by /u/beerferatu
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    Profile level

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    So I thought of a new way for people to have more of a customized experienced. As well as having faction LV there should be a overall account/player level. So this way you can gain experience even if you lose the game or play a factionless deck. Progression unlocks for account/player LV would be portrait borders and allow players to choose what portrait borders they want with there avatars.

    submitted by /u/Stitch0706
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    Combrei Shift - Wandering Spellslingers 13-2

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:46 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Thought I would share my deck list for the Spellslingers event. I went 4-1, 4-1, 5-0.


    The main aim of the deck is to abuse the shift mechanic, you shift for 2 or 3 but you get a free 7-8 drop spell to play.

    The deck is filled with shift units and units that get bonus from playing spells.

    All my games were fairly easy as lots of people are playing fair 1 and 2 drops.

    Key cards;

    Secret Weapon and Xulta Loyalist are the big pay off cards here that give you high cost spells to play for free. Sol's Rest is the best spell I played off Secret Weapon so far.

    Amber Acolyte, Trail Maker Temple Scribe and Devotee of Sands. These are filler that help you curve out and maintain power drops. Sometimes you draw a great spell but don't want to play it straight away you need to get to 7 power to try again.

    Alessi, Spellstrike Sorceress and Pearl Abbey Smuggler. You get a free pump spell for these units very single turn.

    Stand Together. Almost all spells played will interact with your units. Having Stand Together protects everything.

    Pristine Light. This is main way of winning the mirror. Both players can't interact with shift units but you can use a sweeper. However you can work the board state to take advantage of Pristine Light and getting onslaught to rebuy your board.

    Have fun, while I go back to grinding Expedition points...

    submitted by /u/limfactor
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    First attempt at tweaking a deck

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:03 PM PST

    So, I bought the themed deck for Otherworldly Offerings, and I liked it. I tweaked it a bit just to see what I could do with it, and this is really my first attempt at deck building from a shell. Looking for critiques. I'm 99% sure this isn't meta or viable at all anywhere (and it's definitely not expedition approved), but some feedback would still be appreciated. I really like the theme and I think Radiants/Wisps are kinda neat.

    Anyways, here's the deck: https://eternalwarcry.com/deck-builder?main=1-250:4;3-55:2;1-264:4;4-61:2;4-209:2;1003-22:4;3-64:3;4-219:2;4-221:1;1-281:4;4-225:3;4-267:4;4-231:2;6-211:2;7-52:2;4-92:2;1-117:3;1004-21:4;1-249:8;1-63:9;0-61:4;7-184:4;

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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    Argenport crest bug?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:40 PM PST

    I played an argenport crest and it showed me the top card of my deck as normal, but when I clicked the top button to keep the card on top it immediately passed my turn without attacking. Probably cost me the game too, though it was a close one

    submitted by /u/CLH30
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    Are DWD still nerfing expedition Cultists this coming week?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    The fact that 2 of the ECQ semi-finalists were not cultists has seemed to mask the fact that this deck is still hugely oppressive. It is still making up a disproportionate percentage of the expedition meta and making a lot of the games grindy, predictable and miserable.

    submitted by /u/LotteryDonk
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    Does the Scattershot/Herald/Image combo not work anymore?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:03 PM PST

    (Iceberg Scattershot, West-Wind Herald, Mirror Image)

    I recently built Demand Reweave for fun, was testing it in Gauntlet and the interface wouldn't let me sacrifice a unit to play a new one when mirror image triggered. Am I missing something? Did I not press a button? Does it not work in Gauntlet but work in Throne? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/nicol800
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:09 PM PST

    This is probably a damned redundant question, but where can I find info on deck types like: aggro, ramp, control, etc?

    submitted by /u/RagingDemon1430
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    Best Deck from this Sealed Pool?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:41 PM PST

    Here's my sealed pool this week.

    I tried two different deck directions:

    • This Elysian deck has flyers, some good removal, plenty of decent units. It's very similar to the deck I played last week.
    • This Argenport deck has four really strong cards, but is light on units. Lots of removal, just a couple flyers. I'm not sure if I can balance this deck as well overall.

    Please let me know whether either deck looks viable or if you'd go in a different direction for this pool.

    submitted by /u/SmartJava
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