Eternal Card Game BANNED ON TWITCH: A self fulfilling prophecy |
- BANNED ON TWITCH: A self fulfilling prophecy
- why would you do this to me matchmaking
- HEAR �� MY �� SVETYA �� OF �� BATTLE! (Argent Depths spoiler)
- Draft Video, Forcing Honor and actually getting there.
- [AD] Genetrix Irel, Wayward
- Preview card by MLNTN !
- [AD] Tasbu, the Tempter
- My monthly lists for you all.
- Reflections on heroes from the depths event
- Eternal Highlights #205 - Blitrok Mirror
- [Spoilers] TheBoxer's Spoiler Review Smorgasbord Part 2
- Would be nice if they sold Draft pack box set and it could be bough with gold
- Is there a card like Fling
- Argent Depths Heroes Event 10-0 Stonescar by jrockMTG | Eternal Decks | Eternal Warcry
- Bhuton is Brokhan. Stonescar decks mirrors for miles and miles.
- Didnt get deck for using referral code?
- Throne is impossible to play, Expedition is NOT much better.
BANNED ON TWITCH: A self fulfilling prophecy Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT Hey you guys Puns here (again...). I just want to thank everyone for their kind words and reactions to the last post I made. It's hard to even see myself as important in the community but y'all were too nice to me. Especially with the news I got last night my twitch account was suspended for 30 days. This isn't a surprise, I'm sure somebody reported me to the twitch police and now I'm in twitch jail. I can't even log into my twitch account or even be in chat. This ban is 100% justified as much as it sucks, and I don't really have any grounds to appeal I still don't know what I'm going to do. Due to the ongoing pandemic my day job of video production is on indefinite hiatus, but I can't file for unemployment because I'm an independent contractor. Thanks America! Twitch was all I had to keep from going insane and making a little bit of money at the same time. This certainly hasn't helped my mental health, but I have no choice but to figure out something else. What makes me even more frustrated is awful timing of all this with the release of the new set coming in a few days. I had so much planned out for pack openings and deck brewing with the new cards. I could just stream on another platform like Twitch or YouTube but would people even care? The other option I've figured out is just create more content for YouTube. Daily deck techs and such. I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not creating or working on something. People have told me I should just take some time off and not to worry about this but I can't afford to do that. I have to keep pushing myself and working in some way. Taking time off doesn't pay my rent. Taking time off means I'm throwing everything I've worked for in the past 2 years I've been streaming. I've worked too hard to throw all that away so you bet your ass that I'm going to be creating daily YouTube content even if nobody watches it. I'll be using reddit more as well to post my content to. But it now more than ever rings true of my last post we need more people streaming eternal. I tried to reply to everyone on the last post but if you have any streaming questions let me know You can keep up with me on Twitter @whatweswatches and subscribe to my YouTube channel for my full set review coming later this week. They can't keep me down. I will be back on twitch in 30 days. [link] [comments] | ||
why would you do this to me matchmaking Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:20 PM PDT
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HEAR �� MY �� SVETYA �� OF �� BATTLE! (Argent Depths spoiler) Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT | ||
Draft Video, Forcing Honor and actually getting there. Posted: 21 Jun 2020 04:37 AM PDT
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Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:38 PM PDT 3/2 for 2 JJJP Aegis You can't lose Aegis while Aniyah has an Aegis. Summon: You gain an aegis. Thank you MLNTN [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT So I typically hit Master rank in both constructed formats and then post the lists that I used to get there. Either a list I brewed up or someone in my friends circle gave me and I made some changes to it to fit my style. This month, I never felt the drive to hit Master. I just wanted a nice chill month before the new set came out and I wanted to play some decks that were fun. I did not care if I won the game or not, I just wanted some highrolly wins that looks cool or felt fun. So, I bring you 2 lists. If I change my mind and do push master these last 10 days I might post those lists as well but honestly, It would probably be Praxis Strangers and Hooru unitless because I could comfortably hit master in a day with either list so maybe posting them would be useless honestly. Anyhow, here are the 2 fun lists I have run. As per usual as all the other posts I make each month, messages I will get back to! Also, dumb idea but some of you may know me from the various Twitch streams and Discords but I am going public with this. If you just want the list look below, this is the self promo / sell out section ad I get it if you don't care! Most everyone that knows me from streams and Discord know that I am currently in a situation that has placed me on the streets homeless. I am lucky that I have a, semi working, laptop to connect to people and have a way to look for work when this Pandemic is over. Being in LA its a little rough right now with protests, riots, everything closed and yadda yadda. This has left me with a ton of free time and I thought about a way to fill my time, give to the community and possibly get a little income my way. Coaching sessions. In my situation it would have to be via text instead of voice with my set up but I would do some deckbuilding ideas, deck doctoring, ingame play lines yadda yadda. I kind of want to target new players or people that think they are bad but want to get a little better. Not really sure how much I would charge for this but I do not want something super expensive. After all we are all suffering from this pandemic right now and its just a card game where I do NOT think anyone will really take me up on this offer. Anyhow, if anyone is interested message me and we can figure it out. Now, that the sellout is over here are the 2 lists. Throne - This is a real old combo. Pretty well known but I have not seen anyone play it in a while. I did not touch this one at all but like I said, this month I was just looking for some fun. This deck for sure did some really silly things. Expedition - This is BY FAR the most fun deck I have played. Turn to seeds pretty much spells and end for you but this list is SO tanky with the life gain. I worked on this for around 3 months now and used it this month. I am hoping there are some new Cultists out of the new set to push this deck into an even better spot. Please, enjoy this one. As always, I end with this. I hope you are all doing ok right now. With everything going on a game even like this is a great escape and a moment for us to get away from the chaos. Love you guys. Take care of you and those around you. [link] [comments] | ||
Reflections on heroes from the depths event Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:34 PM PDT Welp, just burned through 100k gold. Got a few 10 win runs (Stonescar, Skycrag, Feln), and probably will miss top 10 anyway in all of them (already rank 16 in Feln :( :(). Here are my reflections: Stonescar/Buhton: more like BRUHton. Card looked obviously good, and card is obviously good. It's going to be a bit more challenging getting 4F on 4 in throne (forget about it in expedition) while maintaining dual influence Chacha, but the payoff is every bit as nuts as it looks like. Feln/Rindra: Oh boy. Between him and Felrauk, assuming you can ramp up the influence fast enough, Feln can play an absolutely nasty game of attrition. Doesn't matter if your opponent has the choice of discard--eventually, the incremental 2 for 1 + board presence value trades will exert enough pressure. On top of that, Rindra threatens to completely swing a race if left alive. Card is very, very good, but once again, without the free dual, we'll have to see which direction Feln decks take. PP for mother of skies into SSSS for Rindra is a tall ask, and given the new mega-mulldrifter primal's getting (the 2/2 flyer for 5PP that draws a card for every PP), I wonder if it's time to take a page out of closed beta books and play Feln strangers once again. Skycrag/Kenna: the ultimate is flavor text. Kenna herself has a fantastic ETB, and a fantastic body. Comes in, beats the crap out of what's probably a reasonable value target (any 4/4 or less), then either continues hammering in the air, or plays defense on a flyer that more than passes the vanilla test. She's the best killer card we've ever had in this game, including old 6/6 carnosaur IMO. Xenan/Katra: my attempts with Xenan were not successful, and honestly, while she looked hype at first, I get more and more skeptical regarding her, and here's why: if you want to run more than the four Xenan vows, you can't run insignias. This means all your duals run the risk of depletion, and lots more duals mean fewer sigils in the deck, meaning seats are even worse. On top of that, Xenan doesn't even have its vow coming in set 9. Come set 10, she might have some interesting deck, but as it stands, she's most likely going to be a vanilla 5-drop fatty in set 9. Maybe a home in expedition, but don't think she gives Xenan a large presence in Throne. AP/Rolant: actually got wrecked by him in constructed because Doc28 got the preorder bundle. He makes fast removal nasty and can flip the game on its ass in ways maiden never dreamed of, because his bonuses affect board immediately. That said, a lot of conditionals on him, and Argenport has lots of issues keeping up card flow for an extended midrange game. And then blightmoth will just wipe out all his reapers. Not a particular fan of him, but may find a home in FJS style decks. Combrei/Diana: really, really vanilla outside of a Combrei deck that's built around generating insane amounts of power (AKA combrei relics, possibly big combrei). Come throne, you can pair her with Merriest Mandrake to threaten her ult for 6, but that's assuming you can keep mandrake alive. Obviously will end the game in a hurry if you rip her ult, but overall, she just doesn't really wow me. Elysian/Danica: again, a fairly low impact entry into this cycle. My lack of success with Elysian, though, told me one thing: holy shit, Elysian is absolutely destroyed. Lookout, snowcrust yeti, teacher of humility (not that I miss her being good), merchant nerfs, accelerated evolution...good lord. Elysian as a reasonable archetype had one brief window of being good in throne, and then DWD slammed the door on it because of yetis and expedition. Don't play this faction unless you're a masochist. Oh--one other thing--permafrost will make you question all of your life choices. Unlike BRUHton, she doesn't get to swing for massive damage first, and that's huge. Hooru/Roshi: only played against it, and...card's every bit as bad as he looks. While there are some in the cycle that basically guarantee a 2 for 1 (or even more, if you count BRUHton's charge as a huge monster), this guy is another take on the Daraka style of "fat ice sprite", and is every bit as awful. Definitely one of the worst of the cycle. Praxis/Angelica: again, another horrifically bad entry. Even if you get a 5-cost spell cast before you play her, that turns her into what...a 5TTTTFF 5/5 piece of equipment with equip cost 1? Basically, in order to get ETB value from her, you already needed to have jumped through other hoops. And to top it all off, one stray suffocate from a shadow deck and you look like a complete moron. Rakano/Marley: unless your opponent's playing relics, she's a striped araktodon with silence, at an obscene influence cost. IMO, keep her as a 1-of in markets to snag when opponents are on a relic plan, and then getting to smack them is the upside. However, if you maindeck her, expect anyone with Jekk or Kenna to thank you for the free wins. [link] [comments] | ||
Eternal Highlights #205 - Blitrok Mirror Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT
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[Spoilers] TheBoxer's Spoiler Review Smorgasbord Part 2 Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT Hey everyone, The boxer hit it out of the park again, reviewing some of the most recent spoilers in Eternal. Enjoy! Looking forward to hearing what you all think! [link] [comments] | ||
Would be nice if they sold Draft pack box set and it could be bough with gold Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:48 PM PDT Since draft packs are pretty much like the core set of mtg it would be nice if we could buy those as well. I know they were never attended for that, but hear me out. You know how a regular box set is sold for 2,900 gem. It would be nice if they sold box set for draft packs which would be sold for 29,000 gold, but the only downside is it not guarantee 3 legendaries cards. Edit: it would also be nice if you could buy packs box set with gold for sets that aren't in expedition, but that might be to much. This might help attract more players. Down vote if you agree. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:25 AM PDT I'm trying to emulate one of my old mtg decks and I was searching for a spell that deal's a units power as dmg while sacrificing the unit. [link] [comments] | ||
Argent Depths Heroes Event 10-0 Stonescar by jrockMTG | Eternal Decks | Eternal Warcry Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:32 PM PDT
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Bhuton is Brokhan. Stonescar decks mirrors for miles and miles. Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:17 AM PDT | ||
Didnt get deck for using referral code? Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:32 PM PDT So i made a new account after learning referral codes were a thing. Registered and linked. After skipping the tutorial i was given 3 free packs for the referral but no deck. Am i missing something or did they just decrease the rewaed? [link] [comments] | ||
Throne is impossible to play, Expedition is NOT much better. Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT For a long while now I have been having this utter tilting experience with this game and some of these cards that are getting shown are either adding to the problem or are useless cards that bring no real excitement to this games. There are some major balance issues as well as just gameplay issues that no one is talking about upfront. I have no clue why no one is talking about this upfront but it needs to be talked about. The sheer amount of extremely cheap and VERY effective removal. There seems to be this trend where this is how pretty much every single game goes. Play unit, opponent removes it and plays unit. You remove it and play unit. They remove it and play unit. This goes on until one of you sticks a unit and then you win the game through combo or just grinding them out. On the fringe we have decks like Unitless Control where you literally do nothing for 17 turns but remove the opponents entire deck not allowing them to play the game and then finding either Svetya's Sanctum to continue not playing units but now flooding the board or Channel the Tempest into a Re-read or Prod Sorc. Time after time I end up NEVER getting a unit to stick because it does not matter what deck I am against they ALWAYS have removal because there is a metric ton of removal printed in this game. It is all extremely cheap and easy to play with 0 draw backs. Expedition is no better either. Sorry, let me rephrase that. Jekkspiditon is no better either. How is it that I can Sear your unit away for 2 power, then play Jekk and remove 2 more of your units all for 6 power? I can just play A-Supplier now because I dumped my hand and now I get a refill of cards AND units. Jekkspidition is not as bad as Throne is. I will give you that much in this rant but there is still plenty of it out there making a lot of decks pretty useless. Why? I want a real answer here. Why is there nothing but removal in half of nearly every deck played? Entire Markets are removal and that makes sense. It should be for things like that but then I have 3 playsets of other removal too because........why? It kills combo decks that are around units. You can not play those decks because your combo units just get killed right off the bat. Turn to Seeds is one of the single most frustrating cards in the game. For 3 mana you can kill an entire playset of my unit? Oh, but you still have 3 more ToS? How are we supposed to combat this? Are we supposed to just deal with it and say "Oh, well that Eternal. The game of removal until someone runs out of removal" or do we all need to start running counter spells? The VERY limited options we have mind you. One of the most infuriating games I have played was that Combrei control deck running around in Throne. I played a guy who was D1 with 150 cards in his deck. He grabbed 4 Pristine lights, 2 Harsh rules, 3 Visages to play 3 more Harsh rules, 2 Last words and 2 Shen-Ra Speaks. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT FUN FOR YOU? You do NOTHING for the entire game. I also want to know how in 150 cards he is able to grab the power AND all of those board clears. Sure, oh that is just one game but it is not just one game. It is game after gae after game . I keep track of how each game went down in a notepad next to me. I use that to try and fix the list I am running and if any neat ideas come to me. It is part of why every month I am able to post 2 new lists for you all. I look back on it and the games that I lose are either Power issues ( we all get the flood and starve its a thing, it sucks, it happens we move on) I just simply do not draw my combo if I am running a combo deck or, I never got a unit to stay on the board and I ran out of removal. At this point, I honestly think it is both too late to change things and it has been a issue for so long that most everyone has just accepted it for what it is and that is how the game is played now. I have no idea how much longer I can deal with this. I look at the spoilers for the new set and some of these cards are just bonkers. A 4 drop that has amazing stats and silences the enemy's entire hand's units? Are you kidding me? A 4 drop with those stats without text is already a solid card but it heals me AND silences? It seems that all these cards do 3+ things any more and they are extremely cheap for what they do. The power creep issue is no longer a creep. Its a leap and a jump after a 5 mile drive. Yeah yeah, this is Reddit and I am wrong and stupid and whatever else people say anymore but if you take one second to actually look at the lists you have. Look at the lists on EWC website that are all being played. Look at the lists you are upagainst outside of Silver and Bronze, you will see the same pattern. DWD for as garbage as they are in certain aspects of the business and game they have made a place for great people. I am thankful for some of the great friends I have made here but honestly is it worth the sanity loss trying to play a game that you can't actually play? [link] [comments] |
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